Ruby Red States, Covid-19, and Stoning the Devil

According to those in the know, which doesn’t include the ruby red ridge-runners,  millions of Americans have been vaccinated.

Carl Bernstein Says Trump Is An ‘American War Criminal’

Legendary Watergate journalist Carl Bernstein labeled former President Donald Trump an “American war criminal” on Sunday.

Eric Clapton Says He Won’t Play Venues That Require Covid Vaccinations, Because Of Course He Did

I’m old enough to have once thought Eric Clapton was cool. I was never a superfan, but I enjoy some of his stuff.

Hannity Looks for Olympics Gold With His Double Flip-Flop

A nervous Hannity prepares to perform his double flip flop.

Discredited Economic Theories—Scapegoats Born of Populist Superstition

Wealth is not deducted from some fixed sum that belongs to everyone. It’s created and the creation involves many people and many factors. 

Sex, Dogs, and Donald Trump

A friend told me he wanted to see more Trump hate on MadMikesAmerica (MMA) because he enjoyed it. 

Check Out the Most Absurd Headline In Media History

The “just wait, he’s gonna turn presidential any moment now” crowd is still at it, months after Donald John Trump skulked away.

Red States: The Delta Variant Is A Hoax

Unvaccinated are getting sick and in some cases dying because they believe the crazy.

Arizona Vote Recount Belies Trump’s Big Lie But It Ain’t Over…

According to the AP, on Friday, Arizona election officials announced they had identified a mere 182 cases of potential voter fraud.

Congress Crazies Gaetz and Greene Can’t Find A Venue To Spread Their Poison

Notorious Congressional crazies, Matt Gaetz and Marjorie Taylor Greene are keeping their fingers crossed for a venue.

Trump’s Most Towering Accomplishment Overturned

Donald Trump promised he’d make America great again. Instead, he made us poor, sick, and more than a little envious of the comatose and dead.

Trackable by Lizard People on an Ocean of Lies

Yes, anyone who reads is aware of the dangerous, malignant, and disgusting misinformation erupting from various internet sources.

Thumbs Up—Learning the Hazards of Facebook Emoticons

This is a tale of Facebook and the tools they offer to enhance your experience. Yes, they provide emoticons, but not all are appropriate.

The Unnecessary Tragedy of Surfside—What and Why Did It Happen

My mind is heavy with Surfside, Florida, and the collapse of the condominium building.