Why Liberals Might Think Trump Supporters Are Stupid

An anguished question from a Trump supporter: ‘Why do liberals think Trump supporters are stupid?’ The serious answer: Here’s what we really think.

5 Modern Relationship Skills You Need to Develop in a High Tech World

Just like every other aspect of human existence, dating and intimacy have evolved to be more in line with contemporary realities.

How Do You Know When It’s Time to Put Your Pet To Sleep

My Dog saw me through veterinary school, marriage and the birth of my first child. We grew up together, but she was suffering from painful arthritis.

Christian Crazy Pompeo, Awaiting the Rapture, Pushed Trump to Strike Soleimani

The Washington Post has reported that Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was the main force that pushed Trump into assassinating Major General Soleimani.

Evangelical Leaders Calling For Overthrow of Government If Trump Loses in 2020

Franklin Graham is amplifying the comments Trump repeated in a tweet, that if Democrats impeach him (or he loses in 2020) it will cause a “Civil War.

John Kennedy Is the Latest Dupe Of the Russian Disinformation Party

I kind of wanted Fiona Hill to float down from the ceiling after the lunch break like Mary Poppins and spank the crap out of Gym Jordan and Devin Nunes.

Could the Religious Right Be Extinct By 2024?

We know now that the core of Trump’s voter base is the white evangelical demographic, and we know the issues with it: the main underlying drive of fear.

Natural Back Pain Relief and Remedies To Consider

Back pain is something many people deal with in the United States, and it can stem from different causes, auto accidents, for example.

ProHeart 12: One Year Heartworm Protection Now Available

Heartworm disease is a very serious and real concern for pet parents. With canine heartworm infections being reported in all 50 states.

Times To Avoid During Your Next Road Trip?

If you’re planning a road trip or you’re going to be driving for your next vacation or to visit family, you, of course, want to consider safety.

5 Ways To Protect Your Dog from Poisonous Insects

Protecting your pet from harm is a top priority. One of the risks to your dog are poisonous insects. Insects that are harmful include mosquitoes.

Justin Trudeau: A Real Leader In the Changing Fortunes of Time

After reading the recent MMA article Canada PM Trudeau Condemned For Having Fun 20 Years Ago,I found this quote from the beleaguered PM.