The Gospel According to Sarah Huckleberry Sanders

Huckleberry Sanders said that enforcing the law is Biblical. I supposed she means that it’s justified morally or is legally binding which of course it isn’t, this being the Democratic Republic and not the Kingdom of God as established by Saul of Tarsus.

Words To Die For: “I Thought I Saw a Gun”

There was an exchange of angry words as the two drivers sat at a light. Threats were made, according to witnesses, and insisting that he saw a gun, the shooter fired 16 times killing an obnoxious, offensive but unarmed man.

On Stormy Daniels and Throwing Stones With Rudy

I’m certainly not a theologian, but I’ve read widely on the history of many religions. So when it comes to Gospel stories, I’ve retained enough that I suspect Rudy’s recent tirade about Stormy Daniels being such a reprehensible person would not pass through the needle’s eye, even greased with Rudy’s personal slime.

#MeToo: Focusing On Survival and Why the Fog of Petty Politics Doesn’t Help

It was apparently a #METOO question, or so said the talking head on MSNBC. The question that was, of whether Bill Clinton did or should have apologized and still be apologizing to Monica Lewinski for their very, very consensual affair.

74 Years Ago Our Flag Was Not A Symbol of Nationalistic Bluster

Samuel Johnson is a hard man to figure out, at least for me. Americans are fond of insisting that taxation without representation is tyranny unless it’s Puerto Ricans being taxed. Johnson insisted that the colonies had no right to direct representation – because they were colonists.

When Laughter Is No Longer the Best Medicine

A high school student about to graduate from Truman High School in Independence, Missouri got no laughs from the local school district superintendent when he listed his high school for sale on Craig’s List.

Being Black Behind Closed Doors

Justice delayed is justice denied, but that it took so many years to settle a lawsuit stemming from the shooting by Sheriff’s deputies of yet another black man in suburban Ft Pierce Florida isn’t the point this time. You see, when responding to a noise complaint from neighbors, two officers arrived at Greg Hill Jr’s house. Mr. Hill opened his garage door and seeing the officers immediately closed it.

Hoping For Heroes: An Opiate For the Masses

I think it’s safe to think we all have or have had our heroes,  although disillusionment tends to wash them away when they’re real and because they are real and imperfect and fallible. Invented ones are more tenacious and more durable since you can’t learn something new or disappointing about them if you’ve designed them yourself to fit your requirements.

The SS United States: A Sinking Ship

We’re stuck with this one. We can’t sell our shares and walk away and even if the company is losing a fortune, the preferred stock interests and perhaps even the competitors are keeping the officers in power. What will it all be worth in 2020? Will there be dividends or only executive bonuses?  What about mergers and acquisitions? Does the future involve bananas?  I’m not sure I want to know.

The Madness of King Donald

If this is indeed a “witch hunt,” then why has so much turned up? asks the Times. That’s the question they’re trying to obscure with calls for more and more investigations into investigations into investigators.

The Irrelevance of Meghan Markle’s Complex Genome

The lovely American lady, Meghan Markle, now a duchess, seems to have suffered the indignity of being serenaded with music associated with African-American rural traditions.

Taking the Boy Out of Boy Scouts

We used to be a country of fraternal organizations. Indeed many of those who established our government were Freemasons, but until the middle of the last century, groups, clubs, and other organizations were features of American life. 

A Snake In the Grass: Trump Defender Alan Dershowitz

Alan Dershowitz! Too easy to make jokes using his name so I just call him Alan Snakeshit. Alan Dershowitz SS, if you prefer. I started calling him that when he helped free OJ using the same technique he always uses: the slander defense. Yeah, right it was Columbian Drug lords despite there not being the slightest evidence thereof.

Multiple Universes and the Incredible Circularity of Being

Theories of multiple universes are strangely attractive, even comforting at times. Perhaps there’s another Earth where certain things never happened but others did. I have a feeling that such worlds only exist in our heads and the fables, literature and even poetry that comes out of them…