Our So-Called President-A Disaster In Chief

Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro, part of a group of state attorneys general meeting with Trump at the White House Tuesday, relayed Trump’s comments about the proliferating bomb threats to Buzzfeed News.

Bomb Threats and Swastikas: How America Will Never Be Great Again

The David Posnack Jewish Day School and community center Near Miami were reopened at about 11:30 a.m. – hours after receiving a bomb threat.

I’m Not An American Anymore

Sure, the so-called president wants to start winning wars again. He wants to build many more warheads because being able to destroy the world several times over isn’t enough.

Nobody Cares Because We’re Great Again

Is Trump responsible for the rise in anti-Semitic violence? No, the perpetrators are responsible as well as the people who teach their kids about ancient hatreds that go back to the late Roman Empire.

Muhammad Ali Jr. Detained At Fla. Airport-Are We Great Again Yet?

Here you are on the side of the road, wondering why the cop pulled you over. “license, registration and religion please.” Say what? How far away is that? Not as far as you might think.

Donald Trump: A Would-Be King Breaking Laws With Impunity

The pretender to the throne is intensifying his war on the press and on “leakers.

Donald Trump and His Trumpanzies: A National Embarrassment

How many new lows can we have in one day? Each one seems to provide a new and bigger answer. Was it the announcement of a huge new military? A huge new nuclear arms race?

Jabba the Trump Is Bringing Back the “Real” Jobs-What?

We’re bringing back the real jobs, says Jabba the Trump, as though he were doing anything constructive at all. What’s a *real job?

Are We Desperate To Find Out We’re Not Alone?

I liked the big headline yesterday about some new planets of a “nearby” star, only 40 light years away.

The Trump Ascendancy-We Will Hardly Notice, Until It’s Too Late

The Trump ascendancy has been heralded by acts of bigotry, anti-Semitism and racism all over the country. The rocks of the world have been turned over and the wriggly, slimy things are celebrating their victory over “political correctness.”

Donald Trump Walks Into A Bar…..

Donald J Trump walks into a waterfront bar. After the local fishermen, still wearing their white rubber boots, take one look, they beat the shit out of him and toss him into the gravel parking lot behind the bar.

In Trump World: ‘Truth Is Treason In An Empire Of Lies’

I looked at the crowd of subhuman vermin, parasites and disease vectors grinning and gesturing in glee up in Sebastian on Saturday. What else can I call them?

Trump’s Truth Left Town On the 3:10 to Yuma

Crooked Hillary, so called judges, fake news: these are the big guns of the Trump war. The media are the enemy of the people says his flatulence and life long republicans wince at the term.

The Passion of the Trump

Everyone is talking about Trump being in “campaign” mode, but to someone my age it can’t help but remind me of Hitler’s massive and powerfully dramatic rallies.