Italian scientists on trial for manslaughter – Did not predict 2009 earthquake

One of the homes of modern science is losing its marbles. Putting scientists on trial for not predicting a killer earthquake.

San Francisco bans Happy Meals

San Francisco has always been a weird place and their latest ban on fast food won’t change that impression in anyone’s mind.

Woman Nails Guinness

With a combined length of over 19″, The Duchess’ nails enter The Guinness Book Of World Records.

Fat man sues White Castle over size of booths

White Castle chain apparently hates fatty’s gut because they built their booths too small to accommodate

Pastor Perry Promises National Prayer Day

As president, Texas governor and pastor Rick Perry will institute a National Prayer Day to promote job growth.

Michele Bachmann Overdrive a band not a tribute

Michele Bachmann is such an icon these days, she’s even got a band named after her—though its members aren’t her biggest fans. Read about this right here…

Cool California bear takes Prius on joyride

What’s that Beach Boys’ song about California Girls? It should have mentioned California bears, as evidenced by the following little summary…..

Navy SEAL dogs armed with titanium teeth

SEAL dogs have got to be tough and the U.S. Navy makes sure they are and that they’re well protected against the hazards of war. Read about them here.

Marines: Farting prohibited in Afghanistan

US military leaders, sensitive to winning hearts and minds in Afghanistan, have instituted several unloved regulations on troops there. Learn about them here.

Looney Jihadist wants revenge on….David Letterman?

The Allah loving Jihadists now want to send suicide bombers to the Letterman Show. Read this nutty story.

Shark kills two within as many weeks at island resort

A rogue shark is stalking the Seychelles, authorities fear. After nearly 50 years with no fatal shark attacks, two people have been killed in the space of two weeks. Details here.

Scientists: Alaskan goo not John Boehner’s perma-tan

The speculation has been running wild over the mysterious orange substance that has been coloring the shores of Alaska for the last several weeks. Read about it here.

Man in bunny suit told to stop scaring children

Eccentric in Idaho Falls told to stop wearing ballerina dress and bunny suit, he’s scaring the kids.

Russian government admits ‘beer is an alcoholic drink’

After thousands of years, Russians finally admit that beer is an alcoholic drink.