Does the British Media Continue To Incite Division?

The official total number of deaths from Covid-19 in the United Kingdom, at the time of writing, stands at around 45,775 people.

How Stephen Hawking Got It Right On Religion

Professor Stephen Hawking was a remarkable man in so many ways. A brilliant scientist who made theoretical physics almost understandable to everyone. He lived for 50 years after his motor neurone diagnosis – 3 or 4 years is more usual. He was clearly a great humanitarian too.

Why Britain Should Ban The Burka

The Islamic ‘burka’, or full-face veil, is an increasingly common sight on the streets of Britain. The most extreme even have gauze over the slit their eyes peep out of. It is, not surprisingly, impossible to tell who is beneath the urka. As a couple of robberies recently showed, it can even be a man.

Trump, Taxes, National Monuments, and the Rape of America

Trump confessed on Twitter and that’s been the news all week so far.  While it’s true, it isn’t the news. The news is that Trump landed a combination today. He gave the National Parks to the oil companies and the Bundy Family Militia. He did it front of Indians, telling them it was for their own good. That was the body blow. He got his tax-rape through the Senate. That was his over the top hook. And in an uppercut to the jaw, he got his Muslim Ban through the Gorsuch Court. TKO.

When Christians Kill: Murders In Portland

Our president, for instance loves to make it look like our biggest crime problem is the presence of undocumented Hispanics, although it isn’t.

The Trump Ascendancy-We Will Hardly Notice, Until It’s Too Late

The Trump ascendancy has been heralded by acts of bigotry, anti-Semitism and racism all over the country. The rocks of the world have been turned over and the wriggly, slimy things are celebrating their victory over “political correctness.”

Market Dumps Trump’s Junk

I read an article on this morning about the steady and nearly complete failure of Trump brands, from cheap suits to expensive deodorant (insert quip about big stink needing big cover-up here).

Peeling Flynn Away Was A Minor Victory, But the Real Story is Trump

The pathology is decades old. Trump uses superlatives only in relation to himself and pejoratives towards everyone else.

The ‘Curse In the Blood?’

Der Trumpenführer seems to be planning to publish lists of “illegals’ who commit crimes, perhaps in the hope that we won’t tolerate the courts and will drag them out and kill them.

Will Our Future Come Goose Stepping Up the Boulevards Of a Broken America?

Threats and actions against both Muslim and Jewish institutions such as community centers seem to have escalated as Trumpism waxes and Trump Troopers are encouraged by a sense of triumph.