Signs of Fetal Distress and Oxygen Deprivation

Fetal distress occurs when conditions before, during, or immediately after birth cause complications for the baby. The baby can become oxygen-deprived.

Pregnant Woman Who Claimed She Was Raped By Pig Now Says It Was a Horse

A Texas woman recently told Ellis County News that she expects to give birth to a baby pig. It turns out she is now changing her story to say that it was actually a horse.

What deep thinking men think deeply about

Men are curious creatures, and they often engage in philosophical exercises, mental gymnastics if you wish, in an effort to solve the crushing problems of the day. Here is an example of one such exercise:

An Open Letter to Richard Mourdock

The following is an open letter to Richard Mourdock, Republican candidate for senate in Indiana, following his astonishing remarks at a political campaign function which simply affirmed the belief that the GOP is indeed the “rape party.”

Are Embryos Living Human Beings?

Cellular life does not start at conception but long before. Every sperm and every cell is a living organism, like a virus or blood cell.