Man bites off son’s penis

The world is full of crazies, and China is no exception. The following story begs the question, however, and that is why was this “father” allowed anywhere near these children, especially after an earlier incident?

How to break a person’s spirit

In order to break a person’s spirit, you have to start early in their life. Make certain that everything they do is met with a passive aggressive combination of pride and disappointment. For example “B+. That’s good! But you should have gotten an A on that.” Or “A size 8? Well, that’s pretty thin, are you gaining weight?”

Karl Marx: Religion is the opium of the people

One of the most often quoted lines from the collective works of Karl Marx is “Religion is the opium of the people.” To most, this is their exposure to Marx, other than some vague lines about his views on government that they might remember from a history class.

Is language allowed in a contest between Chimps and Man?

Go mano-a-mano against a chimpanzee and the chimp wins, hands down – and fingers, testes and face off, but what if……Read this fascinating story right here.

Five Forgotten History Mysteries

History is replete with coincidences, curiosities, and strange occurrences, and for centuries man has studied them with an eye to solving them. Read about these fascinating mysteries right here.

Erotomania: Delusional Love

The Erotomanic believes that they’re loved by the person in return, and are being told so in secret ways, such as body positions or secret looks, or if it’s a famous person, in media.

WikiLeaks: French language a hoax!

In a stunning revelation WikiLeaks has declared the French language a complete sham. Read this astonishing story.

The reasons why Atheists and Liberals are more intelligent

Religion may well be the scourge of mankind but often brings great comfort to those who subscribe to it. Read this somewhat “academic” but interesting study.

Chasm Between the Haves and Have-Nots Is a Societal Cancer

Severe inequality in our society tears at the human psyche. Read the disturbing story for more information.