America: Racism, Bigotry, and the Grotesquely Uniformed

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Last night someone told me to suck it up, get used to it and go with Trump. I refrained from responding since I have some PC aversion to beating hell out of stupid old women, but I have to bite my tongue so often now it’s hard to talk.

My mailbox and Facebook pages are soggy with drool from the people raging about Socialist Obama playing golf while American heads are being cut off, but the real tragedy is not the lies, but the people who will never question them or allow you to without a fight.

Hope is welling up in the horrible hearts of the Christmas Christians that Trump will liberate them from the law that doesn’t exist: the one that makes them PC and says they can’t say Merry Christmas or force shopkeepers to decorate their stores and repeat religious formulae.

They want to be rid of the imaginary restrictions on insulting people they fancy to be different and on making them miserable outcasts in their own country, falsely labelled free.

RELATED: The Annual Peasant Revolution is Underway Again

I had to write a reply to an angry loser just now, who made a fuss in the local paper about the fall of America illustrated by the local Publix having insufficient Christmas decoration. He looks forward to the coming of the Trump who will absolve him of decency, honesty and respect for his fellow man that is far less important to his Christian soul than Santa Claus and plastic idols in grocery stores.

I’m a peaceable man, I hate violence. I feel like beating hell out of half the people in this country, with their racism, bigotry, grotesquely uniformed and ill intentioned political passions so inflamed by the would-be oligarch Trump. I’ve wished people Merry Christmas all my life, but no more. If I say anything it will be Happy Freedom of Speech, Happy Freedom of Religion – it’s what almost made America great and it’s what you’re soon going to lose you smug, stinking, ignorant refuse of the world who think you had anything to do with the principles we brag about.

Merry Freedom: Freedom from YOU!

About Post Author

Glenn Geist

Glenn Geist lives in South Florida and wastes most of his time boating, writing, complaining and talking on the radio
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Glenn R. Geist
7 years ago

There are such Democrats. Their priorities are different than mine and they tend to get hung up on promises not kept when keeping them became impossible. Like Republicans they see a president as a philosopher king who just makes things happen no matter what the law or congress or the courts say. The difference is that one will stay home because Obama didn’t settle the bathroom question by fiat and Bernie the savior didn’t win the primary, and the other will vote for the Satan / Hitler ticket because they’re Republicans and good Christians and the 11th commandment says so.

7 years ago

Yesterday I talked to an intelligent thoughtful Republican. (If they exist he is one) He said his view of Democrats is like viewing Pollyanna. Light and fluffy with no reality. And my return was…My view of republicans is ultra-religious, controlling, anti-science, big business polluters just to start. Until now I really did think that having hope was a positive thing. I have been proven wrong….again. I think the bus left the station and left me behind.

Bill Formby
7 years ago

We can only hope that he screws up so bad that he might lose two or three. The dangers that we face as a country are beyond the comprehension of his supporters. While they scream about socialism they do not even understand that it is the primary reason we have been in a cold war with Russia, China, and North Korea for the last 60 years. That is the true communistic, socialistic way of life they fear and Trump is about to put us in bed with them. By the time these yahoos figure it ouut it will be too late.

7 years ago

It’s very difficult to live in a country where every other person you meet you know voted for this frightening human being. Greg Popovich said it pretty well the other day. “It is very disorienting to realize that certain values you thought were held in esteem by everyone aren’t important to half the country”

Reply to  Dan
7 years ago

It’s downright frightening is what it is. Every day I wake up depressed at the thought of this short-fingered vulgarian occupying the White House because millions and millions of Americans think he’s some sort of savior, while ignoring the fact he’s a sociopath.

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