Atheism Backlash Result of Extreme Religious Right

The Atheist population in America continues to grow by leaps and bounds primarily because of the insanity of the Religious Right.

Critter Talk: Chronic Active Hepatitis in Dogs

Chronic active hepatitis (CAH), which also goes by the name chronic canine inflammatory hepatic disease or CCIHD, is a type of liver disease.

Lindsay Lohan Suspected of Burglary

Investigators targeted Lindsay Lohan and her assistant as suspects in a Hollywood burglary.

Illinois GOP Rep. Art Jones Denies Holocaust

Illinois Republican Congressman Art Jones is denying the Holocaust and I’m not kidding. The Republican party is becoming the party of jesters, and we must educate ourselves about people such as Art Jones.

Where Crickets Go to Die

We have a three car garage attached to the house we are renting. The house is on a little over an acre of land, and we, over the past year, have discovered a plethora of wild creatures inhabiting the land around this house.