Why Donald Trump Will Not Be Banned From Britain

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The population of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is in the region of 64 to 65 million. Half a million signed a petition to ban American Republican candidate Donald Trump from entering the UK on the grounds that he stated he wants to ban Muslims from America. Those figures are not a surprise to me as the vast majority of those signing the petition will be members of or supporters of Britain’s ‘left wing’ politically speaking.


The fact that between 63 and a half million to 64 million did not sign the petition will not deter the politically correct left of course. They are correct therefore 63 and a half million are clearly wrong.

Now, before you all get your danders up – I am not a supporter of Donald Trump. To begin with he is your problem in America not ours in Britain. Also he is not only very wealthy but clearly a bit of a loony. You only have to see his hair to establish that.

However, the call to ban him from Britain was and remains ridiculous.

Britain’s ‘left’ are very good at calling for bans on things and people. I suspect it is because they know they are very much in a minority and, as such, perhaps feel frustrated that the majority dismiss them in general as ‘pains in the ass’. As a result they tend to demand anything that offends their left leaning sensibilities is banned.

Britain is not a ‘left leaning country’. Britain is a more ‘politically centralised’ country and conservative with a small ‘c’. We have little time for politics that lean too far in any direction from the centre although we tend to sympathise a bit more with slightly ‘right’ leaning views as long as they remain ‘slightly’ as such views tend to be more conservative.

For example there is a Facebook page currently calling on readers to sign up in support of remaining in the European Union. This position of supporting continued membership is primarily held by more ‘left’ leaning people.

Strangely almost every comment on this page is in support of leaving the EU. Either the ‘left’ are even more reduced than anyone thought or, perhaps, they have no cohesive argument for remaining in the EU. The latter is far more likely.

Now I have no preference politically speaking other than I tend to generally be conservative with a small ‘c’ and often sympathetic to causes within that sphere and, occasionally, causes considered more ‘right wing’ such as stopping mass immigration and so forth.

Equally I am passionate about left wing causes concerning the environment so I have not got a ‘personal’ axe to grind against ‘the left’ other than they lack consistency these days to the point were they are in danger of becoming irrelevant.

The British ‘left’ generally seem to wish continued membership of The European Union (albeit one of their main ‘pin-ups’ of the day, Jeremy Corbyn, is considerably more ambivalent about the EU). The British ‘left’ generally want to disarm the UK’s nuclear capability – to the extent that Corbyn claims he would refuse to use it even if someone nuked us.

Britain’s ‘left’ want to increase aid to poor countries regardless of the state of British finances. The British ‘left’ then invite various unsavoury characters from various unsavoury regimes to come to Britain to address their conferences.

Now don’t think for one minute I’m conveniently ignoring the Conservative government grovelling to Saudi Arabia for example but that is, at least, consistent by Conservative standards. It’s all about money to the Conservatives so what you see is what you get love them or loathe them.

Britain’s ‘left’ seems to be veering all over the place and doing it’s utmost to alienate totally the small ‘c’ conservatives it needs to woo if it holds any hope of ever gaining political power again.

“We should ban Donald Trump!” they cry. A translation of that is “We should stop any debate if we disagree with another view to ours”.

Oddly, the vast majority of small ‘c’ conservative Brits agree wholeheartedly that Trump is wrong but banning him and stifling a debate on the matter will only encourage him and those who agree with him.

Debate him down. Use polite argument. Ban him and, frankly, it will be perceived as a victory by his supporters.

Donald Trump’s comments on banning Muslims from America was stupid. I am told that he has also made disparaging comments about women as well. If he has let him come to Britain and I’ll introduce him to my wife. He’ll have more than a silly hair cut when she’s finished with him I can tell you.

Half a million people demanding he is banned sounds like a lot. Half a million people out of over 63 million is still quite a few but, in a democracy, the democratic country in question does not give in to the demands of a minority if said demands are not agreed to by a majority.

For that reason, at the moment, Britain’s left are sinking without trace and, as a conservative with a small ‘c’ that worries me a great deal.

An unassailable Conservative with a large ‘C’ government is not my idea of democracy.

Stop worrying about ‘Haircut 100’ and his stupid comments Britain’s left and get a grip will you? Your democracy (and it is as much yours as anyone elses) needs you to be an effective opposition not a joke.


About Post Author

Neil Bamforth

I am English first, British second and never ever European. I have supported Oldham Athletic FC for 50 years which has made me immune from depression. My taste buds have died due to too many red hot curries so I drink Kronenburg beer and milk - sometimes in the same glass. I have a wife, daughter, 9 cats and I like toast.
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8 years ago

tRumpelstiltskin is saying out loud what republicans try and keep at the private meetings and not let it get out into the open. That they are not disowning him shows how horrible the right wing is over here. Many of them need that big daddy to tell them how to behave and right now the GoOpers are touting all fear all the time for anything. I do believe many of them would be able to start fighting in empty homes if they couldn’t scare the citizens. He’s even thanking Putin for calling him brilliant and that scares the shit out of me. Idiot does not know he is being played because Putin gave his ego a big tongue bath and he loves getting all the attention.

Bill Formby
8 years ago

Donald Trump, aka “The Donald” is a very simple person to understand. He is the epitome of all of the bad things people in other countries think of Americans. He is rich, arrogant, a showman, one who tires to exploit others for his own benefit, and narcissistic beyond belief. He thinks of only himself and never thinks about long term consequences of what he says or does.

Neil Bamforth
Reply to  Bill Formby
8 years ago

Precisely so Bill. Hence banning him gets his views further publicity. Let him waffle on until he vanishes back to his wealth and drowns in his pile of dollars.

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