Trump’s Second ‘Thoughts’ Assumes He Had First ‘Thoughts’

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by Michael John Scott

Donald Trump, our feckless leader, changed course slightly about the United States’ trade war with China on Sunday.

While reluctantly attending the Group of Seven (G7) summit in Biarritz, France, Trump, who never had a first valid thought (meaning the action or process of thinking), is now having ‘second thoughts’ and is wondering aloud if whether or not the trade war is playing out the way he expected it would.  So, defining ‘thought’ as defined by Merriam-Webster eliminats Trump from ever really ‘thinking.’

Just days after hiking tariffs on Chinese imports and ordering (via Twitter) U.S. businesses to begin cutting ties with China, said that he does indeed have second thoughts about how the trade war has played out.

Donald Trump, in all his wisdom, offered the following profound, presidential statement:

Might as well. Might as well. I have second thoughts about everything.

To further enhance Trump Crazy he also said he has no plans to invoke a 1977 law that would grant him more authority to intervene with U.S. business practices in China. He has no plans because the few advisors he has who might be possessed with a rational brain, have told him that it would be virtually impossible to ‘order’ U.S. companies to suspend their business interests in China, or anywhere else.

Still, Trump, always the dumbest man in the room, said he believed the other leaders at the summit “respect the trade war,” adding that “it has to happen.”  Well, yeah, because he cares nothing about what happens to the American people as a result of his actions, which are designed to stroke his salivating, brainless base, not to make the U.S. a better place.

In case you missed it: Hey Trump Please Stop Pretending Like You Care

About Post Author

Professor Mike

Professor Mike is a left-leaning, dog loving, political junkie. He has written dozens of articles for Substack, Medium, Simily, and Tribel. Professor Mike has been published at, among others. He is a strong proponent of the environment, and a passionate protector of animals. In addition he is a fierce anti-Trumper. Take a moment and share his work.
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4 years ago

That he invokes a little know 42 year old law means somebody gave him that idea. He’s never read the law (or obeyed much of it either) I wonder who, but he didn’t mention that he only had that power if congress declared a state of emergency and gave him their approval and they’re not going to do that. That would unleash the dictatorial powers Trump dreams of.

4 years ago

He already has his handlers out there correcting this to show he actually meant he wanted to make the tariffs higher than they were. Ok sure Jan, we believe you. I’m off to Fisherman’s wharf for the day, so I shall talk at you people later.

Reply to  Professor Mike
4 years ago

Did not see this till I got home late last night. Ergo, ipso facto e pluribus unum I did not get a shirt for you. Not to worry, I am going up to the city, weekend after Labor day for a wedding so I can make a detour and get a shirt or three for you to say you went there 😉 Just remind me will ya?

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