Could Britain End Up With A Marxist Government?

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by Neil Bamforth

Britain’s Labour Party, under the leadership of Jeremy Corbyn, has moved further to the left in political terms than at any time in its history. The pre-Tony Blair Labour Party was ‘of the left’ in terms of being very much a socialist party. Viewed, correctly, as ‘left of center’ they found much popularity in the 1920s, briefly after WWII and then into the ’60s and ’70s.

Having failed to make any inroads to unseat any Conservative government through the 1980s into the ’90s, they elected Tony Blair as the leader. While this resulted in a sudden surge of popularity for Labour, many traditional Labour voters expressed concern that Blair had turned them into the Conservatives Mark II.

After Blair left and the Conservatives achieved victory in 2010, due to forming a coalition government with the Liberal Democrats, Labour elected a new leader, Ed Miliband.

Miliband was seen a successor to Blair but, in the opinion of some, somewhat bizarrely due to his inability to eat a bacon sandwich, he failed to oust the Torys.

Many thought that if his brother David had been the leader – which would have almost certainly happened had younger brother Ed not somewhat stabbed him in the back, Labour could well have swept to victory.

In 2015, an organisation called ‘Momentum’ was making its presence felt.

‘Momentum’ is a well organised far-left group who supported more hard-left political policies and, therefore, threw their weight behind Jeremy Corbyn.

Corbyn had long been something of a ‘fringe’ backbench MP. Considered something of a maverick, the more ‘Blairite’ Labour MP’s wanted nothing to do with him.

His clear belief in Marxist theory, while endearing him to the more hard left, frankly, gave him the appearance of a ‘political dinosaur’ to the majority.

Despite this, with the support of ‘momentum’ he achieved the post of Leader of the Opposition.

Now, as the UK readies itself to vote in a General Election, one possible result would be that Jeremy Corbyn becomes Prime Minister.

Never in the history of British politics would we have had such a politically far-left politician in our highest political office.

Quite what such an eventuality would entail is a little alarming for many people.

Personally, I’m socialist by nature and conservative by instinct. A center left or a center-right party could sway me at election time. The Conservatives seem to have drifted a little further to the right. Certainly further than I am entirely comfortable with.

However, albeit some friends suggest I should give Corbyn a chance, any possibility of that was completely blown out of the water after his Shadow Chancellor, John McDonnell, announced that he would consider slashing the limit on inheritance tax.

Indeed, he went further. He suggested he might consider introducing a ‘life tax’ which would prevent children from inheriting much of their parent’s estate.

Excuse me! My wife and I want our daughter to inherit our estate in full thank you very much. We did not work hard for everything we have got only for some hard left numpty to steal it from our daughter.

The hard left calls it the redistribution of wealth. Really? When did we become classified as wealthy then? Owning our home makes us wealthy?

Labour, the Marxist Corbyn along with his sidekicks McDonnell – not to mention the disaster that is Dianne Abbott – can go and ‘do one’ as the Americans say.

The Conservatives may be further right than I like, but I know where my daughter’s inheritance is protected. It’s protected by a Conservative government that doesn’t think owning a house makes you one step away from Bill Gates.

In case you missed it: Going Deeper: How Britain Is Stealing From Its Women

About Post Author

Neil Bamforth

I am English first, British second and never ever European. I have supported Oldham Athletic FC for 50 years which has made me immune from depression. My taste buds have died due to too many red hot curries so I drink Kronenburg beer and milk - sometimes in the same glass. I have a wife, daughter, 9 cats and I like toast.
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4 years ago

Please don’t believe everything you read in the right wing press only idiots do! Think you’re reverting to type Norman??
It’s only the top 5% who will pay more and it’s not much anyway maybe you’re in the top 5% but don’t worry think it’s only about a tenner a month more.
As for Labour spending money have you not noticed the billions Johnson is promising including billions wasted on brexit of our money when most people don’t want it.

4 years ago

Just to add Tony Blair won THREE general elections one after the Iraq war. You seem to have dismissed the years of the then Labour government that did so much to improve our NHS and more after 18 years of Tories selling off our utilities and just about everything else they could.
You are worried about Corbyn’s socialist government, well I’m far more worried by a right wing government under Johnson, and his Tory sidekicks, who is closer to right wing farage and trump in his ideas for our country.
With regard to inheritance tax it will only affect millionaires, maybe you’re one, otherwise get your facts right it might help. I wasn’t sure about Corbyn at first but I think he’s heading in the right direction for a fairer country not like the government of incompetents we have now, all the decent Conservative MPs were either sacked by Johnson or stepped down and I don’t think any of the rest are people I want to be governed by that’s for sure.

Neil Bamforth
Reply to  Cherries
4 years ago

Cherries : McDonnell has openly admitted they will look seriously at lowering the inheritance tax threshold to 250K.

Houses in the south, even in a fairly crap area like ours, are 400K plus.

Ours is on the market for 450K.

When we shuffle off, all of our estate should go to our daughter, none into government coffers. We have worked for what we have and they have absolutely no right to any of it.

Besides…free wi-fi, free dental checks, free Willy…everything’s free under Labour – except it isn’t…We will have to pay for it from higher taxes and, as always, it is the ordinary people who get hit not the wealthy.

Corbyn is, frankly, an idiot….and as for Abbott 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

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