Space Force Troopers Get a New Name

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Vice President Mike Pence speaks at a ceremony to commemorate the first birthday of the US Space Force at the Eisenhower Executive Office Building on Friday in Washington. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)

If “troops” seemed too boring of a way to refer to the members of Space Force, never fear—there’s a new label for those in service to the latest US military branch.

“It is my honor, on behalf of the president of the United States, to announce that henceforth, the men and women of the United States Space Force will be known as guardians,”

Vice President Mike Pence announced Friday at a ceremony commemorating Space Force’s first anniversary, CNN reports. Space Force’s Twitter account noted that the yearlong process and “momentous responsibility” to find the best name brought “hundreds” of suggestions and spurred “research involving space professionals and members of the general public.”

Defense One reports that some speculated the name had been inspired by Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy superhero film, but Space Force explains the name actually ties back to the motto used by the Air Force Space Command unit in the early ’80s:

“Guardians of the High Frontier.”

The Verge notes that Space Force is essentially a reboot of that former command and officially remains part of the Air Force, though it has the authority to make its own decisions independently from its parent. On Sunday, the actual one-year anniversary of Space Force’s founding,

Gen. Jay Raymond, the head of space operations, will become an official member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, per Defense One. (Read more Space Force stories.)

Edited via Newser.



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Professor Mike

Professor Mike is a left-leaning, dog loving, political junkie. He has written dozens of articles for Substack, Medium, Simily, and Tribel. Professor Mike has been published at, among others. He is a strong proponent of the environment, and a passionate protector of animals. In addition he is a fierce anti-Trumper. Take a moment and share his work.
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3 years ago

OMFG I just now paid attention to that picture of Pence up there. Kind of unfortunate posing when he is talking about force and stuff. Aw come on, like now you are all thinking shit, Jess is right… admit it.

3 years ago

AYUP, both he and his ex wife Anna Faris got a 5k fine because of it. They are really strict at some animal shelters here about rehoming adopted dogs, hint you cannot do it without approval, but they did and the little dog ended up starving. He also gave an old cat away because he wanted a family so incontinent old cat had to go. He’s an ass, out of all the Chrises he is truly the worst at all times and this includes Christopher Walken, Lambert, O’Donnell, Klein etc etc.

Reply to  jess
3 years ago

This was for Call Me Steve who I shall call Steve because well duh, it’s right there isn’t it? Oh and you Brits that are here, thank you so very much to your countrymen for the deliciosness that are After 8 mints and Boxes of Milk Tray and Quality Street candy. The friends I made from over there sent me some things for Xmas and I am totally enjoying these Quality Street candies. I think my favorite one is the strawberry creamy one.

Bill Formby
3 years ago

This administration has had to keep everything on a very basic level so Trump could keep up with it. To use one of his favorite phrases, “Some people are saying” he got the names from a movie he saw on television that he thought was a documentary.

Reply to  Bill Formby
3 years ago

AYUP, it was Guardians of the Galaxt and he was Kurt Russell’s character Ego the Living Planet.

james j brefeld
3 years ago

Space Force was created to cyber secure and monitor our satellites. Not space aliens as our Idiot in Command believes.

3 years ago

Guardians? Guardians? Juvenile sci-fi names for a juvenile government. What the Force are they guarding us against? Cosmic rays? Gamma ray bursts, rogue planets? Nitwits from Neptune? Nothing from space can be guarded against and space is infinite – just like the stupidity of this administration. Nothing gets to Earth but through the atmosphere, so fold this Mickey Mouse thing back into the Air Force where it belongs.

3 years ago

So will they start looking around for Infinity stones to correct what I think were major errors in Avengers Endgame? Just saying is all and oh ladies and some of you men, back off, I want Chris Evans and Chris Hemsworth because they are the best Chrises right now for me for the Chris sammich with me as the meaty filling. Chris Pine isn’t in this series or I would take him also and Chris Pratt is an animal abuser so he can just fuck off. So let it be done, make it so, etc etc and so on also too 😉

Reply to  jess
3 years ago

Pratt is an animal abuser? I did not know that.

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