Ignore the Bullshit and Vote For A Democrat

So, fine. The truth is meaningless now. Just know that everything you see, hear, or read, is a lie. Everything. So just ignore all the bullshit.

Welcoming Back Richard M. Nixon

Today I was reminiscing about better times. My mind went back to the days when Richard Nixon was president. I know people think about him as “Tricky Dick.”

We Need To Tune Out the Obsessive Racial Madness

Hey, did you listen to Reagan talking to Nixon about how the African leaders at the UN were monkeys? Monkeys, not even apes like a former Reagan co-star.

Impeachment—I Like the Book So Let’s See the Movie

Those who follow politics closely are impressed with the Mueller report. If only citizens would read the details, they would want the President removed.

Amendment XXV—Presidential Succession & Disability—Ratified 10 February 1967

The first vacancy of the presidency occurred on 4 April 1841 when William Henry Harrison died after serving only one month.

Donald Trump and Richard Nixon’s Back Door

It’s such a simple observation, but I’m a simple guy. I remember reading about how erratic and unstable Dick Nixon began to get as the Watergate investigation closed in on him and I see how unstable and erratic Trump has become.