Premier League Football, Black Lives Matter and Britain’s Out Of Touch Elite

Players have been wearing ‘Black Lives Matter’ badges on their shirts. They’ve also been ‘taking the knee’ before every game.

Facebook And Judge Dredd

Judge Dredd first appeared in the comic 2000 A.D. in 1977. He was, and is, a great piece of comic invention.

The Prince And The American Divorcee

It was always going to end badly, even if it hasn’t yet. ‘Yet’ being the operative word. Wallis Simpson gave it a good go.

A Very British Backlash Against WOKE And BLM UK

On Sunday, Sasha Johnson, leader of BLM Oxford, led a march in London. It was billed as a ‘BLM Million-Man March.’

A Map Of Hell For Children

I rarely bother with Twitter. I have got an account. I just created one as everybody else seemed to do a long time ago.

Don’t Panic—It’s Only COVID-19 After All

An awful lot of people have died from COVID-19. Still more will. The USA is having a particularly hard time of it right now.

Home Is Where The Pies Are

There is an old saying in the north of England, or, as we northerners would say it, ‘oop north’. The only variable is the name.

Those News Headlines That Are Typically British

From time to time, news agencies all over the globe come up with a headline that they probably should have rethought.

France Blames Britain For Migrant Beach Death

A French politician has blamed Britain for the death of a young Sudanese migrant, whose body was found washed up on a French beach.

An Englishman Thinks Trump Will Be Reelected

I’m not aware that I have any American friends who support President Trump. They are all talk in scathing terms about him.

It’s Moving Time and the Only Way Is Essex

There has long been a television program about young people in the county of Essex on British TV. It’s called ‘The Only Way Is Essex.’

When It’s Finally Time To Cancel the ‘Gammon’

In George Orwell’s superb novel ‘1984’, you either had to conform to the views of ‘Big Brother’ or you were in a lot of trouble.

BLM UK Continue To Increase Racial Tensions

I suppose BLM UK had to do something as most, excepting the political Left, were ignoring their antics which is good for the country.

Straddling the Fence—Purely Left or Purely Right?

It has always puzzled me quite how anybody can be purely socialist or purely capitalist. How can anybody be purely one or the other?