Biden team to reporter: Sorry we made you stay in the closet

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The world of politics is a curious one indeed and the latest little brouhaha is no exception to the rough and tumble fun.  You see it is protocol that when reporters show up early to fund raising events they are not allowed to mingle with the million dollar guests.  They are put in “holding” areas until the pols arrive and this is what happened here.  The Rightie headlines, however, would have you believe differently.  Here is the Raw Story:

Vice President Joe Biden’s communication team had to make an unusual apology last week for forcing a reporter to stay in closet.

During a fundraiser at the Florida home of Alan Ginsburg, Biden’s staff escorted Orlando Sentinel reporter Scott Powers to a closet and asked him to stay there.

“Turns out the veep hadn’t arrived, but about 150 guests (minimum donation $500) were already in the house,” according to the Sentinel. “So to prevent Scott from mingling with the crowd, a member of Biden’s advance team consigned him to a storage closet — and then stood outside the door to make sure he didn’t walk out without permission.”

“The protocol is, they didn’t want me talking to anybody,” Powers told ABC News. “They finally said after an hour or 45 minutes, come on out.”

The Biden team apologized Wednesday afternoon.

“Scott – You have our sincere apologies for the lack of a better hold room today,” Vice President Biden spokeswoman Elizabeth Alexander wrote.

The incident produced sensational headlines around the blogosphere.

“Biden Locks Reporter in Closet,” was the headline at the Fox News blog Fox Nation.

Reason magazine chose to use “Biden Thugs Imprison Reporter.”

“At fundraisers like that, you may be put in a bedroom, a small room, but a storage closet?” ABC’s George Stephanopoulos noted Monday. “That’s why they had to apologize.”

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Professor Mike

Professor Mike is a left-leaning, dog loving, political junkie. He has written dozens of articles for Substack, Medium, Simily, and Tribel. Professor Mike has been published at, among others. He is a strong proponent of the environment, and a passionate protector of animals. In addition he is a fierce anti-Trumper. Take a moment and share his work.
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13 years ago

Most journalists belong, not in a closet, but the toilet, it would better reflect the crap they turn out.

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