Do Your Big Hands Mean You Have a Big Penis? Donald Trump Thinks So

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The Donald probably doesn’t have to worry. There is no real evidence to support a relationship between the size of one’s hands and one’s penis.

Donald Trump insisting he doesn't have little hands at the Republican Presidential Debate of March 3, 2016
Donald Trump insisting he doesn’t have little hands at the Republican Presidential Debate of March 3, 2016

by Liz Monte

It’s not uncommon to hear a woman speculate about a man’s member after sizing up his broad shoulders or scoffing at his dainty hands. Just the other day, I caught myself drifting into wonderland after catching sight of some of the largest, thickest man hands I have ever seen. I wasn’t even attracted to the owner of said hands, but I couldn’t get my mind out of the gutter. Damn, I thought, his penis must be huge.

But what evidence is there for correlating a man’s twigs and berries with the size of his extremities, or his height, or even his race?

When to Measure

The answer is not as clear as you might think. In a 2002 study conducted at the University College London, researchers wanted to know if a man’s shoe size correlated with the length of his unit. Measuring 104 men’s feet was easy; measuring their penises was not. That’s because there is no perfect way to measure a man’s penis. Should length be measured when it’s flaccid, stretched, or erect? Most men would probably want their penises to be measured when they’re erect—putting the best foot forward as it were—but not all erections are created equal. Some are really big and hard, and some are just big and hard.

In this study, and in many others that measure penis length, the researchers stretched the penis with a defined amount of force to determine how long it can get. This gives a pretty good indication of how long the penis would be when fully erect. (You can also inject a hormone into the penis to make it fully erect, but the idea of a needle near a penis makes for very few volunteers.)

The result of this study, to the relief of all size seven shoe-wearing males, was that “there is no scientific support for the relationship” between the size of shoe and length of penis.

Another study, which looked at body height in addition to foot length, had similar results. Researchers at University of Alberta measured the height, shoe size, and stretched penile length of 63 healthy men. They found that body height and foot length were only weakly correlated with the size of their penis and that “height and foot size would not serve as practical estimators of penis length.” Big feet mean that, ho-hum, he’ll wear big shoes. However, the issue of height is not so clearly resolved.

Beyond the Study

Although the above study did not find a correlation between height and penis size, my own anecdotal evidence in this category has proven otherwise. The biggest penis I’ve ever seen was attached to the biggest and tallest man I’ve ever slept with. The smallest penis? You guessed it, a petite man only a few inches taller than my 5’4″. But a handful of men does not make a truth. So, digging deeper, I found a 2001 Italian study, conducted among 3,300 young men which found that penis dimensions (length and girth) were significantly correlated with weight and height. Another large study, published in the International Journal of Impotence Research in 2007, found a correlation between height and penis dimensions in 1,500 men. Although I’ve definitely seen some statistical outliers—tall men with small penises, short guys with big ones—the averages seem to show that males, parts to a whole, are proportionately scaled. But what about hands?

That’s where things get a little more interesting. In 2002, a group of Greek researchers measured the body compositions, including height, weight, waist/hip ratio, finger length and penis length of 52 men, aged 19-38. They found that age and body characteristics were not associated with size of penis except for the “index finger length, which correlated significantly with the dimensions of the flaccid, maximally stretched penis.” Another study—this one with 1500 men—found that length of index finger was significantly correlated with penis dimensions.

Men with small hands have always unnerved me, and now I have a reason why. As with correlating height to penis size, we could probably use a few more studies on this subject, but there is evidence that finger length may have something to do with hormones, which have something to do with growth of a penis. Researchers have speculated that the ratio of index finger to ring finger can provide clues to how much testosterone a fetus is exposed to in the uterus. Longer index fingers may be a proxy to higher amounts of testosterone in the womb, and therefore, larger penises.

As for difference in penis size between races, there is no apparent science behind this myth. A review of the literature published in the British Journal of Urology International (BJUI) in 2006 found no differences among races, despite the popular notion that “once you go black, you never go back.”

So What’s Normal?

But what’s the point of all this penis study, anyway? It’s not necessarily to debunk notions of shoe and penis size; it’s to get an accurate assessment of what’s “normal.” Many men worry about the size of their penis. According to the BJUIreview, almost 12 percent of men are concerned that their penis is too small, but anxiety over a small penis is somewhat unfounded. Micropenises—meaning a flaccid penis that measures less than two inches—are uncommon; only about 0.6 percent of the male population has them. That means that out of 1,000 men, only six would have a micropenis—probably the ones driving sports cars.

Most men fall within a normal range of penis size, which, according to the Kinsey Institute, a center that studies sex, gender, and reproduction, is between five to seven inches when erect. As we’ve all seen, men have a built-in system for turning a small, flaccid penis into a larger one; it’s called an erection. And, while men stress over the length of their units, most women are actually concerned with girth. Back to the BJUI review, which found that 90 percent of women prefer a wide penis. An informal survey of my friends found that girth overwhelmingly trumped length. After all, our vaginas are only about four inches in length. We would rather feel it going in than have it, as my friend likes to say, “slamming against my uterus.”

Men, apparently, have anxiety over their penises largely due to the same reasons that women have anxiety over weight. We see pictures in magazines of skinny women that are nowhere near the norm; men see erotica/porn with men that have penises like Dirk Diggler from Boogie Nights. Dirk and his fellow porn stars are a statistical anomaly.

Though women may like to speculate on the size of things, and none of this may be based on solid research, a man’s penis size isn’t everything. It has nothing to do with his virility. Most women are satisfied with their partner’s penis. Although bigger sometimes feels better, there is one urban legend that all men can take to heart: it’s not the size of the ship, it’s the motion of the ocean.

Source: DivineCaroline

About Post Author

Caroline Taylor

Ms. Taylor has an MA in English from a prestigious university. She enjoys writing and has been a long time fan of MMA.
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Marsha Woerner
8 years ago

Maybe it’s more important to some, but most women I knew/know never considered the size of their BF’s or spouse’s penis! EVER!
I know the size of by husband’s, but that’s because HE thought it important to measure (back when he was a teenager, I think). And he only has one nut, which I knew back when I agreed to marry him! The wall issue is so ridiculous – do men really go round wondering who has the largest penis? And does it represent anything? REALLY? I would hope that you (men) and those men remaining in the Republican race for presidential nomination and a lot more to worry about!

8 years ago

The BMW thing was a joke, of course. I do object to the hyperbolic advertising, but that’s true of all sorts of cars. Everything from 4 door Nissan sedans to luxury trucks are advertised as being just like a race car. People who have never driven a race car tend to believe it and behave like idiots on the road.

Nearly everybody likes to associate cars with personality traits and they’re nearly always wrong. Sorta like associating shoe size with penis size. If you want to estimate such things, look at the candidates they support. Trump fans don’t have dicks and that’s why they support one.

Sometimes it’s just jealousy. Sometimes — nearly always, a car is just a car.

I wonder about women who need to look at signs and portents to estimate dong dimensions. If we dudes “objectified” women in that way we’d catch holy hell for it. Nobody likes to be thought of as a dildo and that’s just what this article does.

There’s more to me than a dick. It’s not like I’m a Republican.

Bill Formby
Reply to  Glenn Geist
8 years ago

I have have actually driven a race car on the Talledega Motor Speedway. So has my wife but all it did as I zoomed around the track was make my butt muscles sore from clinching the whole time. Traveling around that monster track at 160 mph can wreck your nerves especially in the 30 degree bank curve. My wife beat me though. She averaged 189.7 mph. Last I checked she did not even have a dong.

Glenn don’t take it so personal about the dick size. Women are like men in that they like to visualize things.

Reply to  Glenn Geist
8 years ago

Fascinating Bill. I would love to do that someday, but I expect that day has passed.

8 years ago

All BS. I have tiny hands and a huge dick. So there.

Reply to  Timmy Mahoney
8 years ago

LOL! Right Tim. Whatever you say man 🙂

Bill Formby
8 years ago

lol Glenn. I am not so sure about the guys with BMERS, but the Cadillac’s, I am not so sure. I remember over hearing a woman referring to Ron Jeremy once saying, “If he even comes near me with that big thing I will shoot him.” I have made it this long (no pun intended) with what I have I figure I can make the rest of the way with it.

Reply to  Bill Formby
8 years ago

I had a BMW once. I loved it. Did nothing, however, for my “endowment.” 🙂

Bill Formby
Reply to  Professor Mike
8 years ago

I have been driving one now for 7 years (the same one) and it does nothing to enhance my endowment. I do love the way it drives and rides though.

8 years ago

“probably the ones driving sports cars.”

Hardy har ha, as Jackie Gleason used to say. Nothing like a stupid and malicious stereotype to class up an article! Hey did you hear about the dumb blonde? No?

So what about the guy with the 8000 pound Hummer or the ultra-duty Diesel pick up truck you could drive a car underneath? And speaking of things you could drive a truck through — nah I won’t go there. I’m just too damn classy but really, what about the women in sports cars? What are they compensating for? The women in monster SUV’s, women named Buck who ride Harley Road Glides? If we’re after a good time, should we be looking for the girl in the crappy Toyota called Brad?

Come on – everybody knows it’s the BMW drivers with the little ones, but seriously why measure and weigh and trot out stereotypes about dicks when you can just ask a guy how big it is? He’ll certainly tell you.

Reply to  Glenn Geist
8 years ago

These days I drive a Rav4. I wonder what that says about me?

Reply to  Professor Mike
8 years ago

That you need something to fit some dogs in?

Reply to  Glenn Geist
8 years ago

Exactly right, although I gave up a perfectly good F150 for the Rav.

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