Mark Halperin Now Faces a Dozen Sexual Harassment Accusers

(NEWSER) – CNN reported Friday that four more women have leveled allegations of sexual harassment against journalist Mark Halperin. The news channel said that one woman claimed Halperin masturbated in her presence after she went to his ABC News office to seek advice from him about her career at the news division, where she was a desk assistant.

Georgia Farmer Killed By Mad Cow

The cow a Georgia farmer wanted to move Wednesday morning decided it wanted to stay put, according to the Rome-News Tribune.

Aliens Among Us: Massive Ball of Light Seen Over Siberia

The Siberian Times has reported a massive, glowing bubble of light erupted in the night sky above northeastern Siberia sometime last night, October 26th-27th.

Daylight Saving Time Sucks-Now We Have to Wait Until Next Week To Fall Back

I loathe Daylight Savings Time (DST).  I want it dark early evening and light early morning.  I don’t want that bright and shining cyclops still hanging in the sky at 9 o’clock at night.  At 9 o’clock I’m thinking of going to bed to read a good book, and, if it’s still light outside I feel obligated to be outside.

Why General Mattis is Beating the Drums of War

On Saturday, US Defense Secretary Jim Mattis accused North Korea of “illegal and unnecessary missile and nuclear programs,” pledging to repel any strike. Mattis went on to say in a speech in Seoul, South Korea, that the North engages in “outlaw” behavior and that the US will never accept a nuclear North.

Right Wing or Left Wing: The Dangers of Pigeonhole Polarization

Here in our relatively comfortable western democracies we have many rights. If I listed them all then I would be typing – well, a list really. That would be pretty boring wouldn’t it? Mind you, I’m assuming what I do type isn’t pretty boring but, after all, we are entitled to live in hope as well as freedom are we not? So, I will live in hope that I don’t bore you. If I do, I won’t apologize as, being human, I have a right to bore you. So there.

Facebook: A Rodeo of Rage

It’s hard to quit the rodeo of rage – that morning boost as the hormones kick in and you feel smart and purposeful. Then there’s the companionship (in a way) of your fellow rage wranglers telling each other how angry they are as they wrangle scapegoats and lasso them for branding.