Former CNN Host Lou Dobbs Wants Obama Arrested

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by Mark Bear

Alabama evangelicals, accompanied by scores of others, including the man in the Oval Office, have unquestioningly endorsed an alleged pedophile over a person of good moral integrity for the Alabama Senate seat because a “D” is beside his name.  Those same people continue the hate-fest towards Barack Obama, who NEVER crossed so many legal and moral lines as Donald Trump.

Their rationale should turn them into a ‘pillar of salt’ just like the God they say they worship did to Lot’s wife for looking back on Sodom and Gomorrah as she was leaving the town. Lest any of these evangelicals forget: Lot offered up his daughters to a crowd who demanded to have sex with them.

The latest crazy comes from Lou Dobbs, famed Trump butt buffer, and FOX news talking head, argued that the former president ought to be followed by United States Marshals and arrested. The former President’s crime? Going to places where Trump has gone as president and sending out a tweet saying “People should think before they tweet,” in other words, for telling the darned truth.

Let me be clear with Mr. Dobbs: At least I did not have to worry that our world would be blown up under Barack Obama. At least, I did not have to worry that our former President would assault our democratic institutions, or even attack dissent. Mr. Dobbs are you so filled with venomous hatred for Barack Obama, that you invent bogus BS like this? You sir, are a disgrace to journalists across the globe.

Connect with me on Facebook so we can hold this administration to account. Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter as well.  Remember there is strength in numbers.

ED: The original headline, written by me and not the author, stated Dobbs had worked for MSNBC.  He did not.  Instead he resigned under a cloud from CNN in 2009 where he worked as a broadcaster.  Our apologies for the error.

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Susan Osada
6 years ago

What the actual … ????

6 years ago

It really puzzles me that the reddest of necks here wear ties and come from New England. I don’t know if Florida does that to people, or if they come down here to the bilges of America weighted by their bigotry, ignorance and hatred. Even the nicest people you’ll meet hate Obama so much that they lose the ability to speak – like Trump with his “dry mouth”

Bill Formby
6 years ago

Well, everything is going as Trump planned. He let it be known the he respected dictators while running for office. Give his behavior all of these years that’s what he intends to be. He is creeping closer and closer to it every day.

Reply to  Bill Formby
6 years ago

Yes he is and we need to do something before it’s too late and those Deep South rednecks begin their northern march.

Nathan Pennington
6 years ago

I apologize for ALL my comments on this post. If you can, please delete them.

Reply to  Nathan Pennington
6 years ago

NO because you deserve the ridicule coming your way for not being nice.

Nathan Pennington
Reply to  jess
6 years ago

Okay, thank you.

Reply to  Nathan Pennington
6 years ago

Trump has us all turned around, and everyone is on edge. Thanks for your apology, however, I won’t remove the comments. As I said we are all on edge it seems and it’s no one’s fault, except Trump’s of course 🙂

Nathan Pennington
Reply to  Professor Mike
6 years ago

Thank you Mike.

Reply to  Professor Mike
6 years ago

And the wimmin and the gheyz and the NFL players and the blacks and the disabled and and and and………….. don’t forget them when blame needs to be handed out Mike.

Donald Trump
Reply to  jess
6 years ago

Don’t forget CNN.

Reply to  Donald Trump
6 years ago

Oh yeah. We can’t forget CNN Mr President, because they are unforgettable. FOX news on the other hand….Yeah. We can blame them along with “the wimmin and the gheyz and the NFL players and the blacks and the disabled and and and ….”

Reply to  Donald Trump
6 years ago

I thought I had when I did the whole and and and …….. thing. I shall go in the corner and find my self respect now that you have shamed me in this way 😉

Reply to  jess
6 years ago

LOL! Shaming really sucks 🙂

Nathan Pennington
6 years ago

How about a mention of Fox Business Network now? Damn! Hire and fired within an hour. I think you need to grow some thicker skin , if you are going to continue writing “news”.

Nathan Pennington
6 years ago

Dawn1966 said she had no idea he worked for MSNBC. Googled it and found out he was fired. That should have been added to your article. Just sayin’.

Reply to  Nathan Pennington
6 years ago

Actually he was forced to resign from CNN in 2009. I can’t find where he was fired from MSNBC, or even worked there. Secondly, my headline was changed to reflect this, and an editor’s note was added to the article.

Nathan Pennington
Reply to  Professor Mike
6 years ago

So you were wrong, and you criticized me? Next time try Google before posting a story. OOOPs, there I go telling you your responsiblities again! Sorry!

Reply to  Nathan Pennington
6 years ago

You’re a dick Pennington, and I’m not going to spend one more minute on you. People like you are frustrations to the spirit and not worth my time.

Nathan Pennington
Reply to  Professor Mike
6 years ago


Reply to  Nathan Pennington
6 years ago

Maybe you should do your own research there Nathan. At least Mike had the integrity to admit when he made a mistake. You actually lied by saying you “Googled” it and found out he was fired by MSNBC when he never worked there. Mike’s mistake was honest, and news organizations are always issuing corrections, and Mike did the same. Clean up your own house Pennington. You are nothing but a troll and a jackass. Please go away.

Nathan Pennington
Reply to  Dawn1966
6 years ago

I was saying you googled it Dawn1966! Not that I googled it. I don’t have to go away!

Nathan Pennington
Reply to  Dawn1966
6 years ago

You were the one who said he was fired from MSNBC, Dawn1966!

Nathan Pennington
Reply to  Dawn1966
6 years ago

Dawn, I read your comment wrong. You did say he was fired from CNN. I apologize.

Reply to  Nathan Pennington
6 years ago

Thank you for the apology. Everyone makes mistakes from time to time. We are all friends over here, and when one of us is attacked we tend to circle the wagons. You won’t find a nicer guy than Mike by the way. Just sayin’

Reply to  Dawn1966
6 years ago

What a nice thing to say. Thanks Dawn.

Reply to  Professor Mike
6 years ago

She’s just looking for something Mike, don’t trust her at all 😉

Reply to  jess
6 years ago

LOL! All you women are just alike 🙂

Nathan Pennington
6 years ago

Headline should read: “Fox Business Host Lou Dobbs Wants Obama Arrested”.

Reply to  Nathan Pennington
6 years ago

Maybe you would like to write for us Nathan? Everyone knows he’s a FOX host, but not everyone remembers when he was a host at MSNBC. That in itself is news. Again, if you want to write for us let me know. Thanks.

Reply to  Professor Mike
6 years ago

Mike I had no idea he used to work at MSNBC. Just Googled him and saw he worked for CNN. He was fired by them? Speaks volumes.

Nathan Pennington
Reply to  Professor Mike
6 years ago

What a snarkey comment. Then why not state he was fired from MSNBC? As a so-called news organization, you should have at least mentioned Fox Business was where he made the comment. Never assume people know everything. It is your responsoibility to inform! Thanks for the job offer. How much would it pay?

Reply to  Nathan Pennington
6 years ago

A snarky comment? Really? I withdraw my offer to write for us, and don’t tell me where my responsibilities lie please. Thanks, nonetheless, for pointing out the error in the headline. It has been changed.

Nathan Pennington
6 years ago

Why does the headline not read Current Fox News Host?

Letitia scott
6 years ago

Trying to wrap my head around some of the stuff 45 supporters come up with because I want to be balanced and not biase but the more I try to understand what they’re whining and complaining about concerning President Obama the more my head just feels like it wants to explode trying to understand stupidity!!!

Reply to  Letitia scott
6 years ago

Every morning I wake up to an exploding head because of this guy.

6 years ago

This douche canoe needs to check himself. I’ll tell you what, Dobby the dolt45 elf, when you are all held accountable for all the lies and misinformation put out about Obama, Hillary etc then Obama can be popped for going around telling the truth on the world stage. Not for nothing, people like this house elf here are the ones that other people are telling us, we should try and understand them, try and relate to their feelings. Yeah right, they can just go fuck themselves, all of them Katie.

6 years ago

Dobbs is a huckster, and I love your descriptor Mark, i.e. “butt buffer.”

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