Why Claire McCaskill Is One Crazy Democrat

Outgoing Missouri Senator Claire McCaskill has achieved more attention since she lost to the woefully inadequate Josh Hawley.

Blood Libel—Chaos Rules As the Devil Smiles

Maybe there really is nothing new under the sun or maybe trolls and bigots and Republicans just don’t have a lot of new ideas.

King Herod, the Christ Child, and Donald Trump

Why are so many fervent believers in the Christmas message unable to apply it to today’s world and the leadership of our own nation?

Japan Withdraws From International Whaling Commission—Restart Whaling in July

Japan is abandoning the pretense of “scientific research” and will withdraw from the International Whaling Commission, freeing it up to resume whaling.

EPA Plans to Weaken Limits on Deadly Toxic Mercury Emissions

Have you been missing mercury pollution in the air? If so, there’s good news out of DC: The Trump administration is weakening restrictions on mercury.

Right Whale Calf Spotted Off Florida Coast Delighting Conservationists

Conservationists are reporting a right whale calf sighting off the Florida coast. It’s the first sighting of a critically endangered whale’s calf.

Trump’s Lies Are Really Just Big Misunderstandings

It pains me that so many fellow Republicans aren’t as vociferous on their defense of the greatest President ever in the history of America.

Is It Really Racist To Be British?

A man has been accused of inciting racism after opening a gift store and naming it ‘Really British.’ Seriously? Can this really happen?

Stop Looking For Scapegoats—Lighten Up

One runs a bit of a risk by suggesting oversensitivity is on the increase, but from my perspective, with as many years as I have used up, it looks that way.

When Did Trump Start Liking Rand Paul?

Consistency is overrated. That may be a big reason we Republicans love Trump. He is consistently inconsistent, even with Rand Paul.

United By Trump Hate, Major Protest Group Now Fighting Each Other

We all remember one of the biggest marches in US history, but now there’s a big controversy brewing behind the scenes and it’s the same sad song.

Astronaut: Sending Man To Mars A “Stupid” Idea

NASA plans to send humans to Mars sooner, rather than later. One of its more famous former employees thinks it’s a silly idea.

Hill Street Blues and An ‘Americanized’ Britain

What I have realized, for the first time, is the remarkable similarities between Hill Street Blues and Britain of today.

How Trump’s Wall is the New Abortion

I’ve harped on the fact that we real, in the know Republicans, for all our bluster and self-righteousness don’t really want abortion made illegal.