When Hate is the Bait

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Kenneth Glasgow with Al Sharpton

by Glenn R. Geist

Is the Washington Examiner part of the “Mainstream Media?” It’s certainly part of some kind of stream – a yellow stream perhaps, but its self-declared focus is on “Political News and Analysis About Congress, the President and the Federal Government” and that’s certainly true when it comes to “political.”  If it were a ship, I’d say it listed strongly to Starboard.

They report this morning about the Rev. Kenneth Glasgow, the half-brother of Al Sharpton, He’s been charged with murder since he was driving a car from which a man emerged and shot a woman who may have stolen his car. Under Alabama law, he’s an accomplice.

I can’t comment on his culpability. I’m neither a lawyer nor was meant to be and I wasn’t there. I can’t comment on the accuracy of the report for the same reason. What I can comment on is the way the story is dressed up to attract and distract – sort of like the young women I used to see on certain streets and in doorways in Europe when I was much younger.

Again, Glasgow may be innocent or guilty or something in between, but you’ll note the gratuitous photo of Glasgow with Hillary Clinton is relative to only one thing – the political need to associate both of them. It’s a favorite trick of the Trumper.  Perhaps you’ll remember the photo of John Kerry with Jane Fonda – the fake photo that emerged from similar sources during Kerry’s run for president.  Political indeed.

A group Glasgow founded had just attended a gun control rally also, they point out – another irrelevant comment designed to attach him to another Stupid-Right bogeyman – gun control.  Another dab of rouge on the meretricious cheeks of a story. Hey baby, take a walk on the wild side. (Hey, those Libtard, tax-raising gun grabbers like Hillary and Al pal around with murderers!)

So who owns that urine-yellow rag? It’s owned by MediaDC, a subsidiary of Clarity Media Group, which is owned by Philip Anschutz, a “conservative” billionaire who owns a lot of things including sports teams and Right-leaning media outlets and has donated to organizations and politicians with agendas that promote LGBTQ discrimination, climate denial, anti-environmentalism, and the weakening of labor unions. But on the other hand, he’s donated to Elton Johns’ AIDS foundation. Nothing is simple, but then AIDS is an equal opportunity destroyer nowadays.

So am I making a point here? I report, you decide, but I would never have read that sort-of and sordid rag without having seen it on Facebook. Unlike too many people, I automatically questioned something that might be trying to hook me with a story I’d like to believe. I’m really not a fan of Al you know, but I’ve never heard of his brother or his organizations or his invented connection with the witch Hillary if someone hadn’t “shared” it on Facebook.

There is biased reporting, and there is real reporting dressed up in hot pants to serve another purpose or party. This is one of those and a rather clumsy attempt it is. Please, if you get your news on Facebook, from sources you’ve never really heard of, consider the source. Examine the Examiner before you swallow the hate bait.

About Post Author

Glenn Geist

Glenn Geist lives in South Florida and wastes most of his time boating, writing, complaining and talking on the radio
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Bill Formby
6 years ago

There is little doubt that HRC is one of the most powerful women in America. She has been investigated by more people and for a longer period of time than all of the mafia bosses put together and no one has found any chargeable offense yet. There is a good chance that after she dies the Republicans will have a hearing over her casket accusing her of conspiracy from the grave. I don’t think that there has ever been anyone that frightened the Republicans more than she.

Holte ender
6 years ago

Hate bait indeed. Forget the opportunistic Sharptons, this is about Hillary again. She has been attacked since 1991, now she is in a photograph with someone charged with a crime. Well, she is a mass murderer, a closet lesbian, an ambitious feminist who kept her maiden name, she not going to stay home and bake cookies like Tammy Wynette when she can screw up the Middle East.

Reply to  Holte ender
6 years ago

Holte you are right all the way, and these republican bastards will never cut her any slack. I’ve a neighbor who calls me Hillary because he knows I like her, and I call him Donald, and we don’t like each other. How fucked up have we become eh?

Dale Feltz
6 years ago

Hillary did it and is still doing it because she always did it and that’s that. Right Wing thinking.

6 years ago

Most of these right wing leaning rags try to conflate Hillary with everything no matter how little the connection may be. Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson I can take in tiny doses but that is all.

6 years ago

I loathe Al Sharpton and consider him a race-baiter of the highest order, however, The Washington Examiner is a real cesspool of Right Wing propaganda, and they are hard at work here.

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