WTF? 2 Guys Tell GOP They, Not Kavanaugh, Were the Ones in Ford Attack

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by Michael John Scott

In a late-night development, Sen. Chuck Grassley revealed that two men have told the Senate Judiciary Committee they were the ones who had the alleged 1982 encounter with Christine Blasey Ford.  Seriously.  I can’t make this up.  All of a sudden two guys decide to come forward, risk ruining their lives and even arrest, all to save their best pal in the world, Brett Kavanaugh.

The details are scarce and come via a news release issued by Grassley, reports USA Today, which notes “it’s unknown whether the men’s claims are being taken seriously.”

Neither man was named of course and BuzzFeed News notes the release gave no indication of whether the committee would follow up further with the men, but we know, if it serves the Republicans, they will be called.

The first was interviewed Monday and Tuesday, and on Wednesday provided “a more in-depth written statement.” The second man “explained his recollection of the details of the encounter” on Wednesday as well. More:

  • Politico separately reports on an ex-boyfriend’s accusation that third accuser Julie Swetnick is “not credible at all. Not at all.” That man, Richard Vinneccy, filed for a restraining order against Swetnick on March 1, 2001, claiming that after their four-year relationship ended she threatened his wife and child. The case was dismissed two weeks later. When asked about it, Swetnick attorney Michael Avenatti called it “complete nonsense” and described Vinneccy as the problematic one. “Her ex-boyfriend fraudulently used her resume to apply for and obtain jobs and was caught by her. Why are you all attacking a sexual assault victim? Would that be appropriate in a court of law?”
  • The Wall Street Journal digs into Swetnick’s background and reports that she worked as an agent for New York Life Insurance from 2006 to 2008. She filed a sexual-harassment complaint against the company that ultimately earned her a financial settlement. She was repped by Debra Katz’s firm; Katz is now representing Ford.

The circus goes on, and the Republican clown car continues to circle the ring, as Trump cracks the whip.

About Post Author

Professor Mike

Professor Mike is a left-leaning, dog loving, political junkie. He has written dozens of articles for Substack, Medium, Simily, and Tribel. Professor Mike has been published at, among others. He is a strong proponent of the environment, and a passionate protector of animals. In addition he is a fierce anti-Trumper. Take a moment and share his work.
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Neil Bamforth
5 years ago

If they are admitting they are the guilty ones then they should be named and shamed, not to mention arrested.

The fact none of the above has happened is extremely suspicious.

Devils advocate time : What if they are genuine?

Neil Bamforth
Reply to  Professor Mike
5 years ago

How do you ever trust any of the people in charge over there? Starting to sound like Britain!

Bill Formby
5 years ago

In the past the Republicans have shown how low they can go to get what they want but this tops most anything I have ever seen. Mitch McConnell has played politics to its most gruesome height with the Supreme Court nominees. The one place in this country that should be free of politics free is being trashed under the Trump presidency.

5 years ago

Some nuclear level bullshit right here that when all is said and done they will suddenly remember it wasn’t them. Maryland should call their bluffs and arrest their asses, see how fast stories change.

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