On Relationships: It’s A Question of Settling

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by Gregory B. Gonzalez

I usually don’t make a habit of writing about relationships, but this commentary has been burning in me for a while now, so I thought this might be a good time to address it.  What is it with women and this asinine attitude they have about not ‘settling for anything less what they’re worth’? What the Hell does that even mean?

In reality, the worth of the human body is less than fifty bucks, so where does this smug attitude come from? Whenever I hear some girl tell me, “I know what I’m worth!”, I always respond by telling them, “So does your average hooker, and I still wouldn’t shell out money for them!”

It’s as if a normal human being is not good enough for them. I guess it’s no wonder the divorce rate is over fifty percent. This whole idea of ‘settling’ is just ridiculous. Now, I’m not saying that people should stay in a shitty relationship with the first dork who rings your doorbell, but turning someone away that you click with just because they don’t fit your image of Prince Charming is plain idiotic. This is how you end up on Plenty of Fish at the age of forty with no kids and five cats or two dogs you refer to as your ‘kids’.

As much as the ladies don’t want to hear it, nobody’s perfect, and Prince Charming doesn’t exist. If he does, he’s probably gay. I think the trick you need to remember is that it isn’t about finding the ‘perfect’ guy, it’s about finding the perfect guy for you.

All the women I know who are in happy relationships are with men they would never have given a chance at first glance, but they all looked past that and went deeper to find things that they fell in love with.

It isn’t always the physical that’s lacking- sometimes it’s the personality, too. You could be with the best-looking guy on the planet, and he might turn out to be the biggest mental turnip with a personality like week-old tapioca pudding. But if you like the Ted Bundy type, hey, that’s on you.  Just don’t come crying to me when he guts you like a fish.

If anyone would know from settling, I would. I married a girl that checked all the boxes except for the fact that I didn’t love her. All my friends and family loved her and thought she was perfect for me, but at the end of the day, she just didn’t have that ‘quality’ I was looking for- the thing that tells me she was the one. Looking back, I only married her because I thought I had to grow up and start a family, but I realized my mistake only after I said, “I do”.

As much as you ladies don’t want to hear it, you were sold a bill of goods as little girls. When your mothers told you, ‘someday your prince will come,’ they never mentioned that he might look like Shrek.

I suppose you could say the same thing about us guys, that all we want is a hot chick with a pair of nice tits and a nice ass, but really, we all know that’s just a fantasy. And even if we get it, it’s not forever. All we really want is  the one piece that completes the puzzle. And if she happens to have a nice rack and booty, well, that’s just a bonus.

There’s nothing wrong with knowing your own value and knowing what you want, but it’s not a compromise when you genuinely fall in love with someone who falls short of your idea of ‘perfection’.

When you fall in love with someone who loves you right back, then it’s perfection.

About Post Author

Gregory B. Gonzalez

Gregory B. Gonzalez is an angry black man who isn't actually black. No, really- he told us to say that! His parents once had him tested for Tourette's, but when the doctor came back with his results, he said, "No, he's fine. Your son is just an a**hole!" It's been downhill ever since. He lives like the Unabomber, only without the explosives. Feel free to contact him provided you can actually locate him. Just keep in mind that he'll probably make fun of you to your face. We here at MMA can't stand him, so if you want him, he's all yours!
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Reply to  Gregory B. Gonzalez
5 years ago

No, he died from cancer a little over a year ago. Sorry, I thought you knew Greg.

5 years ago

I think what it means is don’t hang with assholes Greg, you are worth more than that, male or female does not matter. I really liked my husband from the second I met him till the minute he left me when I loved him. Fuck Prince Charming, I can do my own rescuing.

5 years ago

“When you fall in love with someone who loves you right back, then it’s perfection.” Very true Gregory. I’ve been with my husband for 30 years now, and I love him as much today as I did when we first fell in love, and, as far as I can tell, he me. Very nice article.

5 years ago

I could write my own book on the relationships I’ve had. Maybe two books.

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