Britain’s Big Ben Brexit Bong

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by Neil Bamforth

There appears to be a growing call for Big Ben to bong on the 31st of January as we leave the European Union. The problem with this happening is financial.

The Elizabeth Tower, which houses the Big Ben bell, is under much-needed repair and renovation. As a result, Big Ben has been silent for a while.

The estimate to have everything in place for it to ‘bong for Brexit’ is half a million pounds.

Quite why it would cost half a million pounds remains something of a mystery, but, those in favor refused to be daunted and began a funding campaign.

By all accounts, they have reached their target, or, at least, are confident they will.

The plus side, of course, is that the taxpayer is not funding Britain’s Big Ben Brexit Bong. Well, only indirectly anyway, as the funds are not coming from the public purse as such.

I admit to being pretty neutral about all this malarkey. To bong or not to bong is not high on my ‘it matters radar’, but, if a sufficient number of people want to donate their hard-earned money to such a thing, it is entirely up to them.

What I have found slightly amusing though, has been the reaction of some on the ‘remain’ side.

There are those who still seem to be struggling to accept that we are leaving the EU, for better or worse.

We are. There is no way of preventing it. End of.

It might prove to be a great thing, or it might not. Time will tell. Regardless, we are leaving so I can’t quite get my head around some on the remain side still harping on about it.

Yes, I get it. They don’t want to. Fine. I don’t want Oldham Athletic to lose very often, if at all, but, almost invariably, they do. I live with it. I think it’s about time the ‘remainers’ began ‘living with it’.

By all means, start a campaign to rejoin if you so wish, but stop whinging on and on and on and on about it. Frankly, you are beginning to bore everybody.

Even more amusing, to me, not to mention outrageous, has been the claim by some previously unknown character in The House of Lords.

I could Google who he is but, to be honest, I couldn’t be bothered. Feel free if you could be. He is, by any stretch of the imagination, a complete moron at best.

According to Lord whoever he is, Brexit, the desire to have Big Ben bong, along with the general mood of the country, is reminiscent of Nazi Germany.

Yep. I kid you not. This Lord doughnut thinks Britain is now the same as Nazi Germany.

I have seen and heard pro-Brexit people on TV from time to time who seemed vaguely unhinged at times, but, I have to say when it comes to being unhinged, there are certainly more on the ‘remain’ side who fit the bill.

No Lord plonker, the German Nazi’s went around killing Jewish people, not to mention gay people and, indeed, pretty much anyone who wasn’t a Nazi.

Some in Britain, want Big Ben to bong. I fail to see any comparison. What a complete numb nut.

Others on the ‘remain’ side are suggesting that bonging Big Ben would upset them. Really? Oh diddums.

Don’t tell me, if Big Ben does bong as we leave the EU, you can bet your bottom dollar there will be ‘remainers’ claiming it has caused them post-traumatic stress disorder.

Another interesting aspect of Britain leaving, at least to me, is the EU are, apparently, saying they insist on access to British fishing waters.

Given the British fishing industry has suffered so badly due to EU regulations allowing EU fishing boats to overfish our waters – not to mention the ‘super trawlers’ EU countries sent which made it even worse – I strongly suspect, and sincerely hope, the British government says, simply, “No”.

The EU has suggested that if Britain declines their demand for access to British fishing waters, the result could be a new ‘Cod War’.

There was a ‘Cod War’ once. I remember it. It was between the UK and Iceland. The UK lost because Iceland threatened to withdraw from NATO if we didn’t concede, so we did. Wrongly in my view. I hope we’ve learned from that.

If the EU try fishing in British waters regardless, I think we should remind them of what happened to the General Belgrano when Argentina tried to mess with us.

‘Ooooh! You nationalist you!” might well be one response to my view.

And? We’re leaving the EU so we have to put Britain first, even if that means saying ‘no’ and, indeed, if necessary, backing up that ‘no’ with a show of force.

Anyway, Big Ben may or may not bong on January 31st. If it does that’s fine by me, if not, I’m not sure it matters really.

As for the EU. You try stealing fish from our waters after we’ve left, and it might not be a Big Ben bong you hear, it just might be some British cruiser removing your fishing fleet from our waters via shots over the bow.

Don’t be overconfident that the next shots will be over it either.

In case you missed it: How Britain Takes Back Control

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About Post Author

Neil Bamforth

I am English first, British second and never ever European. I have supported Oldham Athletic FC for 50 years which has made me immune from depression. My taste buds have died due to too many red hot curries so I drink Kronenburg beer and milk - sometimes in the same glass. I have a wife, daughter, 9 cats and I like toast.
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4 years ago

Ridiculous idea when more than half the country don’t agree with brexit! Anyway it ain’t happening! They’re not able to have their triumphant bongs ha ha!

Neil Bamforth
4 years ago

Michael : Maybe, maybe not. I don’t know, you don’t know, nobody knows. Time will tell old bean, time will tell.

Jess : I thought the same… Well, not your bong obviously. Why not play the Big Ben bongs through huge speakers? There are plenty of recordings! 👍

4 years ago

I would let you guys use my bong but sadly, I wouldn’t be able to bring it in my suitcase and it might get broken in transit if I mailed it and I would be pissed. I got it as a gift and it has become my favorite one.
Hey I know, you could just do an Alexa deal like, hey Alexa play Big Ben striking the hour and have like huge speakers set up at the tower. See if you can get some of that coin back from the royals, I’m sure they have some unused speakers laying around somewhere in their hundreds of palaces.

4 years ago

You’ll need a different kind of ‘bong’ once Brexit goes through and Brits will start to feel the effects of their poor decision.

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