Lions Eat Teenage Boy In Pakistan Safari Park

A teenager in Pakistan who went out to cut grass for cattle fodder ended up being eaten by lions in a safari park, authorities say.

Stay Away From Me and Mine If You Dismiss Modern Medicine

Just read a Facebook post from someone claiming the Spanish flu pandemic, which killed more people than WWI, didn’t start until there was a flu vaccine.

We Should Protect Elizabeth Warren From Herself

I’ve been on record as supporting Elizabeth Warren for President even before she announced. She’s shown the ability to get things she wants done.

When Inventing An Alternate Reality Becomes A Passionate Pursuit

I’m not the sort of person you might suspect of being an apocalyptic visionary. I’m an atheist and someone who likes to think in geological time.

Are Western Democracies Under Threat?

There have been many periods in history when democracies have been under severe threat. WWII is an obvious occasion. The Cold War is another obvious one.

San Francisco Declares Coronavirus State of Emergency

Leave it to California to be ahead of the rest of the country.  San Francisco, which has yet to record a coronavirus case, hasn’t stopped Mayor London Breed.

You Better Be Prepared for Worst When Trump Says He Has Virus Under Control

The coronavirus is not only possible in the USA, but likely.  The disease, which has struck both Asia and Europe, is already here.

King Donald Demands Justices Recuse Selves From Cases Involving Him

It hasn’t been that long since Trump Puppet Barr begged his boss to bring an end to his mad tweets about criminal cases involving the Justice Department.

Coronavirus Update: South Korea Goes Code Red

South Korean President Moon Jae-in said Sunday he was putting his country on code “Red,” its highest alert for infectious diseases.

A No-Spoilers Review of Amazon’s “Hunters”

There’s a lot going on in Amazon’s Hunters, and all the characters, locations, plots, and red herrings might be a little overwhelming for some. 

Why Does My Dog Love Licking Me?

Why does my dog lick me so much?  Well, there can be a few reasons for this, or possibly a combination depending on your dog.

I Dream of a Future of Goose-Stepping Trump Troopers and Wake Up Screaming

It feels like the race has just now begun even though it’s been going on since the great investigator lied his way into office.

Why Not Bernie Sanders?

Far too many supposedly left-leaning commentators and former party bigshots like James Carvell, even the Editor in Chief at MadMike’sAmerica.