More Than 70% of Inmates Infected At Ohio Prison

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Marion Correctional Institute

by Michael John Scott

On Monday, The New York Times reported the biggest single-source hotspot of coronavirus cases in the United States is Ohio’s Marion Correctional Institution. More than 70 percent of inmates have tested positive for the novel coronavirus said state officials on Sunday.

As of this writing, more than 471 people have died and 11,602 more have been infected with the virus according to the Ohio Department of Health. About 21 percent of those infected are in the state’s prison system—with a majority of that number, about 1,828 inmates, at Marion.

On Sunday state officials said that while there have been no reported deaths among the inmates, the 667 remaining prisoners who have not yet tested positive are now in quarantine.

JoEllen Smith, a corrections department spokeswoman, told the Marion Star:

“Throughout our mass-testing process, we have found many individuals who are testing positive for COVID who are asymptomatic. We are also working with local hospitals to onboard individuals who are interested in providing medical support to our facilities and who are available and qualified to do so.”

Many people,  including me, have little compassion for inmates, however, this is an exception.  It has to be horrible to have COVID-19, and even worse if you’re locked up.

Read it at Marion Star

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Professor Mike

Professor Mike is a left-leaning, dog loving, political junkie. He has written dozens of articles for Substack, Medium, Simily, and Tribel. Professor Mike has been published at, among others. He is a strong proponent of the environment, and a passionate protector of animals. In addition he is a fierce anti-Trumper. Take a moment and share his work.
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Tall Stacey
4 years ago

As bad as I feel for these people who, despite not having been sentenced to death, may well perish in prison, as bad as I feel for the guards and staff that may also be so infected, and for the families of all these people, I can’t help feeling more for those “restrained” immigrant children and adults, separated families in inhumane conditions on our southern border. I wonder what the infection numbers are there…..

I can’t imagine that many of them will receive anything approaching compassionate care.

Reply to  Tall Stacey
4 years ago

I was talking about this with my guy as far as his job goes also. He is in close quarters with his firefighting coworkers due to their bedding down in dorm type rooms at the firehouse a few nights a week. I’ve told him, you get exposed or anyone in your station does, don’t dare come around me for at least a month.

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