Is Mike Pence the Worst Vice President Ever?

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by: Joe Hagstrom

I guess the argument could be made for Spiro Agnew as worst ever. He ended up resigning from the Vice Presidency and being convicted of tax fraud. But as Vice President, his job was to pretty much stay out of Nixon’s way. Other than his famous “Nabobs of negativity” quote, I don’t remember anything else about him.

Several Veeps went on to become president. Notably John Adams and Thomas Jefferson. John said the office was the most insignificant ever devised y man. Other than that I don’t remember Adams attracting much attention to himself as Veep. Jefferson either.

The only thing I remember the first George Bush doing as Reagan’s veep was a few misspeaks he made while running for president. His “no new taxes” promise turned out to be false but hey, in a political campaign nobody expects the truth. Just tell the idiot bloc the nonsense they want to hear and blame Democrats later. Bush’s comment about having disagreements with Reagan, we had strong disagreements. “We have had sex.” I doubt Bush and Reagan ever had sex although looking at some of Trump’s sycophants and their fawning looks at the Donald I’m sure most of them would gladly present their naughty stuff to Don should he order it.

That brings us to Mike Pence. While Mike is excellent at kissing Trump’s ass, he is in my opinion the worst Vice President ever.

Mike doesn’t have much to do other than kiss Trump’s butt and lead the Coronavirus task force. Kissing butt isn’t all that difficult. One would think leading a task force for something your boss doesn’t give a crap about would be easy also. Yet Pence, who only had two jobs, wait for Trump to die and lead a task force about a virus that the boss’s only concern is that he personally doesn’t get, screwed it up magnificently. The one person on Earth the President didn’t want to get the very virus Pence lead a task force to deal with gets the virus.

The entire power and scope of the government of the United States of America at your disposal. The CDC. The NIH. And medical facility or institution at the beck and call of the Vice President in an effort to stop the spread of coronavirus. And still, your boss, his wife, several members of his administration, some Republican senators, at least the president doesn’t have a pet dog that contracted the virus, Pence truly is a failure. A spectacular failure. The greatest failure as a vice president ever. But if it gives Pence some solace, at least Trump will be proud of Pence’s greatness in failure. Trump likes bigly things. Even failures as shown by the many failed Trump businesses. So if nothing else, Trump can tweet his pride for the greatest failure veep in history between injections of bleach.

About Post Author

Joe Hagstrom

Reformed Liberal now dedicated to saving world from Obamacare and Godless Atheists. Using MadMike's America to audition for high paying job with Fox News.
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Bill Formby
3 years ago

Who is this Pence you guys are talking about? Oh, I think I know, He is the guy who carries the piss pot around for Trump

3 years ago

You guys and these trick questions. He is by far the worst right now at this time. Hope this helps 😉

Reply to  jess
3 years ago

He is absolutely the worst at this time, and I think Dan Quayle was better, at least he was harmless. Pence is not.

Unlike Agnew, Pence doesn’t have enough integrity to resign. He’s going to make us suffer with him until the bitter end. May that be very soon.Linda
3 years ago

Unlike Agnew, Pence doesn’t have enough integrity to resign. He’s going to make us suffer with him until the bitter end. May that be very soon.

Tall Stacey
3 years ago

An interesting perspective Joe. I hope Kamala Harris pursues it in the upcoming VP Debate.

“The one person on Earth the President didn’t want to get the very virus Pence lead a task force to deal with gets the virus.”


Joe Hagstrom
3 years ago

Dan’s job was to be stupid so his boss would look good. He did that well.

3 years ago

No, you’re thinking of Dan Quayle.

Reply to  Gregory B. Gonzalez
3 years ago

Yeah. Quayle was pretty bad I guess, but he was pretty much invisible. Pence is not.

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