The graphic, gross details of Kim Guilfoyle’s departure from Fox News

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Kim Guilfoyle, Pic courtesy of Daily Kos

by JL Finch

While the media is busy with Andrew Cuomo (and not Madison Cawthorn, who is getting a free “we’re still intimidated by the Right” pass), they are continuing to ignore the very credible accusations against Kim Guilfoyle.

The Secret History of Kimberly Guilfoyle’s Departure from Fox

The New Yorker, Jane Mayer, October 1, 2020

Guilfoyle has maintained that her decision to move from television news to a political campaign was entirely voluntary. In fact, Fox News forced her out in July, 2018—several years before her contract’s expiration date. At the time, she was a co-host of the political chat show “The Five.” Media reports suggested that she had been accused of workplace impropriety, including displaying lewd pictures of male genitalia to colleagues, but few additional details of misbehavior emerged. Guilfoyle publicly denied any wrongdoing, and last year a lawyer representing her told The New Yorker that “any suggestion” she had “engaged in misconduct at Fox is patently false.” But, as I reported at the time, shortly after Guilfoyle left her job, Fox secretly paid an undisclosed sum to the assistant, who no longer works at the company. Recently, two well-informed sources told me that Fox, in order to avoid going to trial, had agreed to pay the woman upward of four million dollars.

The woman was hired in 2015, just out of college, to work as an assistant for Guilfoyle and another former Fox host, Eric Bolling. According to a dozen well-informed sources familiar with her complaints, the assistant alleged that Guilfoyle, her direct supervisor, subjected her frequently to degrading, abusive, and sexually inappropriate behavior; among other things, she said that she was frequently required to work at Guilfoyle’s New York apartment while the Fox host displayed herself naked, and was shown photographs of the genitalia of men with whom Guilfoyle had had sexual relations. The draft complaint also alleged that Guilfoyle spoke incessantly and luridly about her sex life, and on one occasion demanded a massage of her bare thighs; other times, she said, Guilfoyle told her to submit to a Fox employee’s demands for sexual favors, encouraged her to sleep with wealthy and powerful men, asked her to critique her naked body, demanded that she share a room with her on business trips, required her to sleep over at her apartment, and exposed herself to her, making her feel deeply uncomfortable.

As serious as the draft complaint’s sexual-harassment allegations were, equally disturbing was what the assistant described as a coverup attempt by Guilfoyle, whose conduct was about to come under investigation by a team of outside lawyers. In July, 2016, the network had hired the New York-based law firm Paul, Weiss to investigate sexual misconduct at the company, which, under the leadership of Roger Ailes, had a long history of flagrant harassment and gender discrimination. According to those familiar with the assistant’s draft complaint, during a phone call on August 6, 2017, she alleged that Guilfoyle tried to buy her silence, offering to arrange a payment to her if she agreed to lie to the Paul, Weiss lawyers about her experiences. The alleged offering of hush money brings to mind Trump’s payments to the porn star Stormy Daniels, in order to cover up his sexual impropriety.

When the assistant declined the offer of money, Guilfoyle warned—in a manner that the assistant regarded as threatening—that, if she spoke candidly to the lawyers, some aspects of the assistant’s private life that Guilfoyle knew about might be exposed. In fact, as I reported on this story, associates of Guilfoyle’s contacted me, offering personal details about the assistant, evidently in hopes of damaging her credibility and leading me not to publish this report.

More at the link.

Why has there been complete silence on this from everyone except the New Yorker?

Because the media knows if they raise this issue, the hysterical screaming and threats from rabid elected Trumpers and Trumpers generally will become an F5 tornado of bullying backlash.  And they don’t want that. They want to play the “both sides” game — which these days involves hammering, inflating, and elevating charges against Democrats and hiding, suppressing, and minimizing charges against Republicans. A massive thumb on the scale to make themselves look neutral.

Reprinted with permission of Daily Kos and authored by JL Finch.

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Bill Formby
3 years ago

Damn, what a sleepover at her place must have been like. Even Marines would have been embarrassed.

Reply to  Bill Formby
3 years ago

Ha!! And it’s tough to embarrass us marines Bill.

3 years ago

She, like almost all Trump loyalists,is despicable, and it’s no wonder she dates the failson.

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