Bad Jesus: The Controversial Intersection of Evangelical Beliefs and Trump’s Image

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In a recent town hall hosted by CNN, former U.S. President Donald Trump delivered remarks that sparked a contentious debate within certain sectors of American Christianity. Some evangelical Christians have interpreted his performance as proof that he is a messenger of Jesus Christ on earth, a view that has stirred a whirlwind of controversy and discourse.

To better understand this perspective, it’s crucial to delve into the nuances of evangelical beliefs. While there is considerable variation within the evangelical community, many evangelicals tend to emphasize biblical inerrancy, conversion, and the belief that Jesus’ life and teachings should directly inform political and social action. However, these principles do not universally lead to a positive view of Trump. The interpretation of Trump as a divine messenger has led to a contentious debate about what is often referred to as ‘Good Jesus’ and ‘Bad Jesus’ within Christianity.

The ‘Bad Jesus’ concept is not widely recognized or endorsed within mainstream Christianity. Instead, it is a version of Jesus that justifies or overlooks certain negative behaviors or attitudes, such as racism, xenophobia, and exclusion. It is this version of ‘Bad Jesus’ that critics argue some evangelical supporters of Trump are endorsing.

According to these critics, Trump’s town hall did not reflect the values associated with the ‘Good Jesus’ – the version of Christ found in the Gospels, portrayed as a figure of love, acceptance, and peace. Rather, they argue, it resonated more with the controversial figure of ‘Bad Jesus.’

One of the key aspects of this criticism focuses on the issue of racism, which has become increasingly prominent in political and religious discourse. Critics argue that some evangelical supporters of Trump are motivated more by a fear of demographic change – specifically the influx of migrants – than by genuine religious conviction. The assertion is that these individuals view America as a ‘Christian land,’ and fear the changes that increased diversity might bring.

Such fear and intolerance are not in alignment with mainstream Christian teachings. Christianity, at its core, preaches love and acceptance, with Jesus often reaching out to those on the fringes of society. However, critics argue that the ‘Bad Jesus’ figure, supposedly endorsed by some evangelical Trump supporters, distorts these teachings.

It’s essential to note that not all evangelicals support Trump or agree with the interpretation of him as a divine messenger. The evangelical community is vast and diverse, encompassing a wide array of beliefs and political perspectives. While some evangelicals may interpret Trump’s actions and rhetoric in a certain way, others profoundly disagree.

The interpretation of Trump as a divine messenger and the subsequent debate about ‘Good Jesus’ and ‘Bad Jesus’ underscore the complex relationship between religion and politics. This controversy reminds us that religious beliefs can be interpreted differently, often reflecting broader social and political concerns. It’s a reminder that we must approach such discussions with nuance and a commitment to understanding the complexities of faith in the modern world.

In conclusion, those atheists among us see the practice of ‘worship’ as a fantastic exercise in futility. If the proverbial tree did, in fact, fall, no one heard it. Remember, the sun is real, yet the concept of a God no one can see is not, so if you must worship something, worship the sun.

Featured picture: Getty Images

About Post Author

Professor Mike

Professor Mike is a left-leaning, dog loving, political junkie. He has written dozens of articles for Substack, Medium, Simily, and Tribel. Professor Mike has been published at, among others. He is a strong proponent of the environment, and a passionate protector of animals. In addition he is a fierce anti-Trumper. Take a moment and share his work.
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