Bad Jesus: Unmasking the Shadows—The Terrifying Surge of Totalitarian Censorship Laws

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Having lived, worked, and raised a family in Missouri, I was shocked to discover that the legislature has been passing laws that severely impact our intellectual freedom and stifle the diversity of ideas within our educational institutions. It is outrageous to learn that these laws make it a felony for teachers and librarians to engage in discussions or provide guidance on materials deemed “unsuitable” by lawmakers. A felony! What in the barking fuck?

As an advocate for intellectual freedom, I am disturbed by the alarming rise of censorship laws driven by a distorted interpretation of religious values embodied by the persona of Bad Jesus. These laws bear an unsettling resemblance to the policies implemented during the era of the Third Reich, posing a significant threat to our freedom of thought and expression. It is of utmost importance to shed light on the dangers these laws present, unequivocally placing the blame on the influence of religion, particularly Bad Jesus, and their chilling impact on the foundation of our democratic principles.

The ascent of censorship laws cannot be dissociated from the influence of Bad Jesus, the antithesis of Good Jesus, who distorts religious teachings to advance a narrow-minded agenda. Bad Jesus, adored by many on the Right, promotes an ideology that suppresses dissent, controls the flow of information, and stifles open dialogue. By weaponizing religion as a manipulation tool, Bad Jesus perpetuates a perilous environment in which critical thinking and the diversity of ideas are suffocated. Think of the title song of One Tin Soldier from the ‘Original Caste:’ Go ahead and hate your neighbor. Go ahead and cheat a friend. Do it in the name of heaven, and it will justify it in the end.”

In addition, we should never forget the dark chapters of history, particularly the policies implemented during the Third Reich, which inflicted immense suffering upon Germany and the nations that were conquered by Hitler’s forces. During that era, information was tightly controlled, dissenting voices were silenced, and intellectual freedom was crushed under the iron fist of a totalitarian regime. The echoes of this sinister period reverberate through time as we witness the emergence of laws that dictate the scope of discussions and teachings within our educational institutions. This disquieting parallel sends shivers down our spines.

These censorship laws undermine the fundamental principles of a democratic society, including the freedom of speech and the unimpeded exchange of ideas. These laws foster an environment of ignorance and conformity by restricting access to certain materials, censoring discussions, and silencing marginalized voices. They hinder progress, perpetuate discrimination, and impede our capacity to foster empathy and understanding across diverse communities.

Confronting the influence of Bad Jesus is paramount, necessitating the challenge of the distorted interpretation of so-called religious values that underpin these censorship laws. Genuine religious teachings promote open-mindedness, compassion, and the pursuit of knowledge. They should inspire and nurture dialogue rather than suppress it. Reclaiming the values of religious tolerance, respect for diverse perspectives, and the free exploration of ideas is crucial in our quest to counteract the influence of Bad Jesus.

Our society thrives when ideas are freely exchanged, whether over a casual conversation, a shared meal, or a simple cup of coffee. These spaces are where different viewpoints are respected, and robust debates occur. Implementing such draconian laws, driven by the influence of Bad Jesus, directly threatens the very foundations of our democracy. These laws hinder progress, stifle intellectual growth, and perpetuate community divisions. Our collective responsibility is to stand against these encroachments, defend intellectual freedom, and advocate for an inclusive society where all voices are heard.

We must remain vigilant and not allow Republican dogma to invade our space. We must challenge the twisted narratives that seek to suppress knowledge and silence dissent. By championing intellectual freedom, fostering critical thinking, and encouraging the exploration of diverse ideas, we can effectively resist the influence of Bad Jesus and build a society where the exchange of ideas thrives rather than withering away like roses after a frost.

Featured image credit: The Seattle Times-Media Picture credit: Shutterstock

About Post Author

Professor Mike

Professor Mike is a left-leaning, dog loving, political junkie. He has written dozens of articles for Substack, Medium, Simily, and Tribel. Professor Mike has been published at, among others. He is a strong proponent of the environment, and a passionate protector of animals. In addition he is a fierce anti-Trumper. Take a moment and share his work.
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1 year ago

Christians will stand with you, Mike, in opposing the distortions of our faith.

That includes book banning, imprisoning teachers for teaching, or propping up our religion with religious tests.

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