Dark Echoes of Faith: Confronting the Hamas Paradox

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There is no easy solution to the conflict between Israel and Hamas. Some claim both sides have valid concerns and grievances, and it is unlikely that either side will be able to achieve all of its goals. Hamas’ brutal weekend attack on innocent Israelis who are just going about life’s business has changed the dynamic once again.

War is never pleasant, but the murderous brutality of the Hamas terrorists has turned most nations of the world against them. The irony of cutting the throat of a tiny baby and then whooping “Allahu Akbar,” meaning ‘Allah is greatest’ belies any of the nonsense spouted by these fundamentalist barbarians. Such people are monsters and deserve to be treated as such.

No doubt the Israeli government bears some responsibility for the unrest, but there can be no excuse for murdering children and raping women. This behavior is beyond the pale and is often practiced by those ‘good Christians.’ A recent example is the Nazis and those allied with them during WWII. Thousands, if not tens of thousands, of ‘good Christians’ committed atrocities as bad if not worse than those committed by Muslim terrorists and other ‘believers.’ Millions of Jews have been brutally murdered over the belief that they murdered Christ and are, therefore, inferior.

Curiously, part of the World War II German military uniform featured a belt buckle that proclaimed, ‘Gott Mit Uns’ or, for you non-German speakers, ‘God With Us.’ This ‘do it in the name of heaven’ mentality, coupled with extraordinary hypocrisy, has existed ever since the whole supreme being nonsense wormed its way into the minds of men. This is one parasite that cannot be killed with a pill.

Among the root causes of war are territorialism and religious fanaticism. Much of the latter is fueled by the bizarre writings of old desert dwellers with little to do. Those with agendas then interpret their scribblings to suit those agendas. Sadly for mankind and the unfortunate creatures that fall prey to the God Crazies, there is no end in sight.

I fully expect, hundreds of years from now, when we are ‘seeking out new worlds,’ there will be a God in some form or another, depending on the civilization, hanging out, ready to fuck up humanity and all they touch. Undoubtedly, within the veiled chambers of a Federation Starship, an entity resembling Bad Jesus bides its time, prepared to emerge and shroud our truths in deception.

Finally, and on the bright side, religion has been retreating worldwide since the beginning of the 21st Century. Perhaps hope springs eternal, after all.

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Professor Mike

Professor Mike is a left-leaning, dog loving, political junkie. He has written dozens of articles for Substack, Medium, Simily, and Tribel. Professor Mike has been published at Smerconish.com, among others. He is a strong proponent of the environment, and a passionate protector of animals. In addition he is a fierce anti-Trumper. Take a moment and share his work.
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9 months ago

All Gods must be kept on a leash.

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