The Gaze of the Telleri: Echoes of a Withering World

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Vekti’s limbs stretched with the precision of one attuned to the rhythms of the cosmos. The sleep chambers hissed softly as they opened, releasing the rest of the Telleri scout crew from their deep sleep. They gathered around the viewing platform, eyes reflecting the blue hue of the planet that hung in third in line from the orange star. Blue was not considered a color in their world, as it did not exist.

The vanishing cloak hummed. The silent guardian kept their starship, the Teloto One, hidden from the technological eyes of Earth. Vekti’s gaze was solemn as he observed the swirling clouds below, tainted with the brown of desolation. It was worse than they had feared.

“The data does not lie,” murmured Yalni, the environmental specialist’s voice a soft growl. “Look at the polar caps — mere icebergs reaching to the sky, begging for help.”

Around her, the crew nodded. Screens blinked with the stark evidence of a world teetering on the brink. Vekti knew Earth’s beauty from ancient songs, a world of lush diversity now struggling to breathe amidst heat and rising tides.

Their mission was clear yet heavy with an unspoken sorrow. They had hoped to find a reformed civilization that had learned to cherish its home. Instead, they found excess and apathy, a path to self-destruction that Earth’s inhabitants seemed to sprint along with reckless abandon.

Vekti turned to the communication panel. “Have the others responded?” he asked.

“No, Commander,” replied Liru, his second-in-command. “But their last transmission confirmed their approach. The High Council is resolute in their decision.”

A silence fell upon the crew; each lost in their contemplation. Vekti considered humans an enigma of potential and folly. Telleri legends reverently spoke of Earth’s creatures, a planet of wonder now withered by its custodians’ neglect.

The instruments beeped, a chorus growing more urgent. Vekti’s heart ached at the thought of another forest lost, another species vanished. How many had gone unseen and unknown?

“Our scientists warned them,” Yalni whispered, almost to herself. “They sent messages, disguised as one of their own, but the humans… they did not heed.”

Vekti’s command was gentle but laced with authority. “Prepare the Eradicator. Target their industrial centers, the sources of their poison.”

Crew members moved to their stations, the finality of their task weighing heavily upon them. Vekti knew this was not just an end but a warning to the cosmos — cherish your world or face the consequences.

Just as Liru initiated the sequence, the ship shuddered. A silent alarm flashed. Vekti’s eyes widened.

“The others! They are early,” Liru exclaimed.

Vekti strode back to the viewing platform. The cloak flickered as if in surprise, revealing their ship’s silhouette against the backdrop of space for a brief moment.

“Commander, look!” Yalni pointed toward the horizon of Earth, where a faint glow began to emerge. It was not the others, but something else, something…

The glow intensified a whisper of light that grew with each passing second. It bathed the ship in a luminescence that felt almost… alive.

Vekti’s voice was a growl, tinged with uncertainty. “Delay the Eradicator. Something is happening.”

The crew watched, transfixed, as the light enveloped them, the planet, and the space around. A message rang clear, not through words, but through the very essence of what it was to be Telleri.

The mission hung in the balance, teetering on the edge of a revelation that would change everything. Vekti stood motionless, a commander at the precipice of an unfathomable choice, as the light from Earth’s horizon drew closer, whispering secrets yet to be unveiled.

He ordered weapons on ready, the eradicator forgotten. Earth was not technologically advanced to the point where they had the means to attack, much less destroy the Telleri, but what were they doing? There was nothing for it but to await orders.

Featured Image by Dall-E-3

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Professor Mike

Professor Mike is a left-leaning, dog loving, political junkie. He has written dozens of articles for Substack, Medium, Simily, and Tribel. Professor Mike has been published at, among others. He is a strong proponent of the environment, and a passionate protector of animals. In addition he is a fierce anti-Trumper. Take a moment and share his work.
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