Gaddafi Declares ‘Holy War’ on Switzerland

Gaddafi is a boil on the arse of humanity.

Mitt Romney Joins “The Really Big Liars Club”

Mitt Romney flip-flops like crazy. Flip-flopping is another word for lying.

Obama tells NASA to explore Mississippi

President Obama’s plans for exploration of the vast lands south of the Mason-Dixon Line.

Glastonbury Tor – A magical place

Glastonbury Tor is a hill in the county of Somerset in southwestern England, which features the roofless St. Michael’s Tower.

The 4,000 Year-old man

Exciting discovery of our one of our ancestors.

Presidential Question Time? Would it work in USA?

In the British Parliament, every Tuesday for 30 minutes, Prime Minister Gordon Brown has to stand in front of the Members of Parliament (MPs) and answer questions. Would it work in the USA.

Dying woman’s stolen cells – The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks

The story of Henrietta Lacks, how she died and how her cells live on.

Social Critic, Historian and much more, Howard Zinn, dead aged 87

January 2010, a great American passed away.

Work Makes You Free – The Journey To Hell

On January 27, 1945, the Soviet Red Army liberated the Nazi death camp known as Auschwitz.