America: A Domestic Horror Show and Gothic Theater of the Absurd

Anyone with a tv or radio or cellphone or who reads newspapers knows that today is the anniversary of George Floyd’s death.

The Lie At the End of the World

In the end, was the lie and the lie was Fascism, totalitarianism, dictatorship, religious freedom. The death of the United States of America.

America: Blinded By Toxic Politics and Propaganda

America still amazes me in its blindness to reality. Perhaps we are that way to excuse our guilt and failure. Perhaps to admit we see is to admit our sin.

Once Upon A Time In Washington D.C.

Tonight I listened to President Obama verbally snatch the cap back from the Republicans. He called them out on their obstructionist behavior.

The News We Want To Tell You About

I can safely assume the news the people of North Korea or Iran or other unfortunate nations get is, shall we say, bullshit on the whole.

Hill Street Blues and An ‘Americanized’ Britain

What I have realized, for the first time, is the remarkable similarities between Hill Street Blues and Britain of today.

An Englishman Wants Us All To Keep Calm and Stop Whining

Is the world really such a terrible place? Really? Is it? Donald Trump, Brexit, Russia, North Korea and so on although, more accurately, so what?

An Englishman Thinks Trump Will Win In 2020

President Donald Trump will still be President Donald Trump come 2021. I’m placing a bet to that effect. If he loses I’ll be happiest though.

On Religion, Guns, and the Accumulation of Power

In this country, the majority of the people who want to have fairness in government are those who are not particularly high on the economic scale. They are largely in the middle or lower economic group. Those in the upper economic group have a different view of fairness.

Florida Ranked Worst State in the U.S.

Florida is officially the crème de la crappy of all 50 states, ranking dead last on a list of best to worst locations in America. Thrillist released a definitive ranking of the states in July with a “go big or go home” ranking system based on, literally, “everything.” “Everything” being their contributions to America: important, well-known…