Two and a Half Men: Jake Religious Crazy-Says Show is Filth

I enjoyed Two and a Half Men, at least I used to. I haven’t watched it since Charlie Sheen’s abrupt, much heralded departure, but I found the latest ‘revelation’ about ‘Jake’, Angus Jones, surprising.

Demi Moore’s girls have wild new nickname for Ashton Kutcher

I love Demi Moore in every sense of the word. She is beautiful, classy and a great actress to boot, so when she hooked up with the gangly, pimple faced star of that ’70’s show I was shocked and disappointed. Demi what were you thinking?

10 worst actors of stage and screen

Bad actors: They run the gamut of emotions from A to B. Please stop by and let us know your candidate for the worst actor.

The new star of Two and a Half Men is……

There’s been a lot of talk around Hollywood and everywhere else about who will take over for Charlie Sheen. Find out who the suggested replacement is right here….