The National Anthem, Lady Gaga, and the Entertainment Culture in 2021

I mentioned on a popular Social Media site that I found the Lady Gaga rendition of our national anthem a bit disturbing.

White Rage Against the Machine

I used to hate the band Rage Against the Machine, because my brother used to constantly play the opening guitar riff of “People of the Sun.”

An Englishman Adds His Voice To The World

We all want to be heard don’t we? We don’t? Oh. Must be just me then. A lot of people do want to be heard you know, and I’m no exception.

Musical Cats and Dogs and Badgers

Two of the best things to happen to humanity, in my view, were music and animals. Music was, on the whole, created by talented members of humanity.

In the Year 2525—Looking Into The Future

Americans, Zager and Evans, who’s band name makes them sound like a make of beer and a drunken Welshman, had a hit record in 1968 called “In The Year 2525.

An Englishman Thinks Bryan Adams Rocks

Rock stars usually have names that sound ‘cool’ and very ‘rock n roll’. They always have had cool names. Occasionally an Elvis Presley.

What Sex, Drugs, and Rock ‘n Roll Have in Common

Sex, drugs, and rock ’n roll: What do they all have in common? Each can affect the brain in a similar way.