These Whales Can Stay Submerged Over 3 Hours

It’s a mystery how Cuvier’s beaked whales go so long without a gulp of air. Based on its body size and metabolism.

Do Dogs Have a Sixth Sense That Helps Them Read Your Mood?

Whenever I am sad, my dog Alma never fails to sit by my side, put her head into my lap and bring comfort. Conversely, when she has done something naughty…

Baboon Mothers Observed Holding Offspring Dead for 10 Days

A new study on baboons has uncovered a mother-infant bond that persists even in death. Over 13 years, mother baboons were seen carrying their dead infants.

The Verdict Is In: Eggs Are Not Bad For Your Heart

A brand new, comprehensive study fires the latest salvo in the egg wars, and it will please those folk, who, like me, regularly eats them for breakfast.

Astonishing Parrot Experiment Surprises Researchers

Parrots help their friends, even when there’s no chance of personal benefit, according to a study suggesting altruism is more common than thought.

Trump Takes Credit For Low US Cancer Rates

Trump taking credit for the largest ever single-year drop in the cancer death rate in the U.S., even though it came only 11 months into his reign.

Scientists Set to Unveil Theory on Loch Ness Monster

Scientists, it seems, have failed to find Nessie despite a lengthy study of Scotland’s infamous Loch Ness. They did, however, come up with an explanation.

Scientists Shocked By Infanticide Behavior In Killer Whales

Following strange calls from orcas off the northeastern coast of British Columbia’s Vancouver Island in December, researchers observed the first known case of infanticide among the whales.

Are People More Empathetic Toward Dogs Or Humans

A recently published study out of Northeastern University in Boston has revealed some interesting findings when it comes to whether people are more disturbed by dog or human suffering.