Advisers Sick And Tired of Trump’s Non-Stop Whining

The Trumpster is down in the dumps about how his election campaign is being spoiled by a string of crises and his advisers are tired of his whining.

Trump Ignored Early Intelligence Reports On Dangers of COVID19

Those crumpled papers near President Trump’s trash bin? Some might have been US intelligence reports warning about the coronavirus.

Since When Does Trump Care About Homelessness?

The Washington Post reported last week that the Trump Administration is proposing several initiatives to combat the homelessness in California.

False Charges Of Fake News Damaging A Free Press

The front-runner candidate for the Alabama Senate seat vacated when Jeff Sessions became Justice Secretary, Republican Roy Moore, called The Washington Post “fake news” after the newspaper published a thorough investigation reporting on sexual encounters between Moore and multiple teenage girls, one as young as 14.