Critter Talk: Mast Cell Tumors in Dogs

I think it’s safe to say that mast cell tumors are the most common type of oftentimes malignant skin cancer in dogs.

Grizzly Bear Kills Hiker Who Ignored Park Rules

People never learn, and their flippant attitude toward the rules that govern safety can cost them their lives, as was the case of a backpacker in Denali National Park.

Tabula Rasa: A Short Story

A field of pure white. That’s all I ever see. People think being blind means that you live in an endless void filled with darkness.

5 Crazy Inventions From Nikola Tesla

The proprietor of web comic The Oatmeal, Mathew Inman, is on a personal mission to build a crowd-funded museum dedicated to inventor Nikola Tesla, who Inman refers to as “the greatest geek who ever lived.”

F.E.A.R Planned to Assasinate Obama

On the heels of today’s revelation that four US soldiers allegedly planned to overthrow the federal government and kill President Obama (and killed two people in order to keep its plans secret), more revelations.

Protect Your Critters from West Nile Virus

Texas is in the middle of a serious outbreak of West Nile Virus (WNV). The mayor of Dallas, the hardest hit locale, has gone so far as to declare a state of emergency.

Bill Nye: Evolution Denial Harms Children

We all know Bill Nye, the science guy, except the republicans who object to the whole science thing, preferring to believe a bearded guy sitting on a cloud created the entire universe a mere 6,000 years ago just for us.

Dee Snider to Paul Ryan: We’re Not Gonna Take It

Last October, I decided to ask three of the most popular and gifted authors in America to send autographed books to my friend, Major (he got promoted!) Steve Snyder-Hill.

The Official Knower of Every Frigging Birthday

We have an address book. In the back of that book are the birthdays of every single person in our family and a few close friends.

Ode to Anglo Romney

Good ole Mittens Mormon Romney. He’s a serious white guy!

WTF: Rapists Allowed To Seek Custody of Children in 27 States

America is a mess, and every day I read “shit that shocks me” and makes me wonder if we’ve always been a country full of nuts or if their population has exploded over the last 12 years.

Five Ways To Prevent Separation Anxiety In Your Dog

Dogs and their kids are often the best of friends. It’s no wonder so many dogs get in a tizzy when their diminutive friends go back to school once summer ends.

A Life Lesson: Keep Your Enemies Close

This is a story about a young Italian immigrant, an evil stepmother, her stern portrait photograph, a journey to freedom, and a life lesson to a granddaughter to keep her enemies close.

Someone Please Get Sean Hannity a Mirror

I clicked a link this morning, and it took me to a place so dark, so disturbing that I needed intravenous coffee and a hug from my son to recover.