Megastars vs Paparazzi in Hollywood Children’s Crusade

Julia Roberts and Angelina Jolie both spoke out this week in protest of shutterbugs bothering their children. I’d say they have a point.

The latest MMA poll: How would you like to see the comments structured?

What would you like to see? The latest comments at the top of the list, or, as they are now, at the bottom of the comment list?

You gonna believe the White House or your lyin’ eyes?

The White House is fighting back, trying to show that the tax cut extension was actually a big win rather than what many viewed as a cave-in. Click the link for the full story.

The Lawyer and The Engineer: Smoky Balls

The Lawyer and The Engineer: A Blog Odyssey. The mission–drawing clarity from the opaque, shining light unto the darkness, confronting ignorance with brilliance, and strangling boredom with competent absurdity and critique of postmodern interpretive dance.

Rarely seen photographs…Part Two

More great photographs for your viewing pleasure. Click the link for a few surprises, including a picture purported to be JFK and Marilyn Monroe in a warm embrace.

Trapped By The Mormons (1922)

This film review paints the movie as being so bad, I want to see it.

Now it begins: Boehner hires medical lobbyist as policy director

As promised the Republicans are marshaling their forces to repeal the health care bill.

China on trial

Carl von Ossietzky was the last laureate who was not formally represented. Nazi Germany banned the famous pacifist from attending and also anyone from Germany to represent him.

Anarchy in the USA? – Not Likely

Europeans are putting boots on the ground in protest of their governments policies, and none of the demonstrations is being sponsored by Fox News or financial interests.

Jon Stewart: We’re really starting to annoy Obama (video)

The host of The Daily Show pokes fun at the president.

Bishop slams ‘aggressive atheists’ for not believing

The bishops always know best…Right! Enjoy the article.