Today’s NFC Divisional Playoff.

Hello sportsfans. If any of you are still awake after today’s Bears-Seahawks game…congratulations! I am keeping one eye on the Jets-Pat’s game whilst writing this post. Let’s revisit the first game of the day shall we?

Chaos in Tunisia worrying Arab world

The internet, Facebook and Twitter has given disaffected Arabs leverage against their autocratic governments like never before, especially in Tunisia. Could democracy be coming to the Arab world.

Swiss whistleblower to hand offshore banking secrets to WikiLeaks

Former employee of a powerful Swiss bank, will be handing over offshore banking secrets to WikiLeaks, before going on trial in Switzerland for stealing them.

Bill Maher- Founding Fathers would have despised the Teabaggers

New Rules!! Opening his 2011 season on HBO, Maher went off on the Teabaggers and their lack of knowledge regarding what the founding fathers stood for, and in Palin’s case, what most of them did for a living.

ASPCA takes down Georgia dog fighter scum

I live in Georgia, also known as the Heart of Darkness, and I am astonished by the number of people that own American Terriers, aka “pit bulls.” Read this story…

Musings From the Edge: The Eternal Night

Each of us is different from each other in some way so there is no normal definition. Thus, in one way or another, we are “off” a little bit. Join me on a perception journey through the mind of being really “off”.

F. Lee Bailey: OJ didn’t kill anyone and here’s why…

To say that F. Lee Bailey’s latest effort to prove a guilty man innocent is bizarre is understating the facts. Read this fantastic story…