Rex Tillerson: Fruit of the Poisoned Tree

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by Glenn R. Geist

You’d think the sneering snark would begin to grow fainter now that it’s apparent to most honest people that everything about the Trump administration is about and has been about offering a service for a price. Where have you heard “quid pro quo” recently?

He’s a bisssssssnessman of course. He’s a businessman who has made enormous sums doing business with Russian oligarchs, helping them launder billions for a cut, and he laughs when you ask him for his records. Since Russian oligarchs include the Russian government, however, and are the Russian government, that’s not enough.

In return for aiding his campaign with fake news, cyber warfare, funny and sarcastic images libeling his opponents and endless blog and Facebook posts encouraging people to feel wise and knowledgeable and oh-so-hip by repeating lies and fabrications and distortions, Trump is weakening NATO, weakening the European Union, weakening democracy and weakening the United States of America.

They’re actually bragging about it in Moscow. They openly tell us that cyber warfare is their future. We can’t be bothered though, because we’re having too much fun Obama bashing. So easy to call the truth Fake News and tell ourselves the news is “biased” and find evidence for that on Facebook posts authored by Russians.

So the ambassador goes to Cleveland and all of a sudden the Republicans don’t hate the commies any more, aren’t worried about their military conquests. All of a sudden NATO isn’t important any more, our allies are a bunch of bums busy wiretapping the Fat Man and Merkel is, like so many things “a disaster!” And the fake news. It’s all fake except for the most blatant, Russian accented propaganda. Who cares – lemme show you this cute Obama hate cartoon. Hey! He’s black, didja notice? HAHAHAHA.

They’re doing it all over. European countries are afraid to use electronic balloting. Russians are staging phony demonstrations for the same goal – destroy NATO. Destroy democracy and the national integrity of their adversaries. HAHAHAHA. Obama is a wiretapper and Putin is a nice guy, now that he’s stopped poisoning critics, at least for today. They are all on the payroll, they get medals and commendations, free junkets and they keep it all hid and besides we don’t give a shit, do we. We’re having too much fun.

So let Tillerson make half a billion when we remove sanctions. Let him snub NATO. Let it fold and watch Putin roll into half a dozen countries and we’re not going to do a damned thing. There’s strength in weakness when we call it strength; there’s an obscene profit in doing business with our enemies, at least for a handful of Trumpers – and who cares about anyone else? Laissez les bons temps rouler, or however you say that in Russian.

About Post Author

Glenn Geist

Glenn Geist lives in South Florida and wastes most of his time boating, writing, complaining and talking on the radio
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7 years ago

Fruit of the poisoned tree. A legal argument and most apropos.

7 years ago

Tillerson clearly knows little to nothing about diplomacy and that vacuum in his brain could have disastrous consequences for the US.

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