Trump, Flynn, Turkey and the Kidnapping Plot

A courtroom scolding of a decorated United States General, and President Trump’s promise about the extradition of a Muslim cleric to Turkey.

Mississippi Detective Demoted After Dumping Retired K-9

Every year tens of thousands of police officers retire from service. Normally they get some type of send-off from their fellow officers

Trump’s Wall: A Monument To Bigotry and Hate

I thought to build a border wall was the stupidest idea I’d ever heard- right up there with the idea of Trump being the President.

How ‘Slat Man’ Trump Spooked the GOP

President Trump’s self-inflicted shutdown before Christmas has left Republicans with a debacle as their last act in control of the House.

Normally Loyal Fox News Show Slams Trump For Syria Decision

The ever feckless Trump once called Obama the “founder of ISIS.” On Friday, a usually staunch supporter of Trump turned the slam around on the president.

Missing Colorado Woman’s Fiancee Arrested For Murder

Kelsey Berreth, 29, missing since Thanksgiving, has yet to be found. Police in Colorado, however, had a break in the case.

Tucker Carlson: Wrong Like a Fox

The left says we have a moral obligation to admit the world’s poor. Even if it makes our own country more like Tijuana is now.

How Animal Slander Gets My Dander

We have a lot of ‘anti’ words in our language. Some are hyphenated some are not. There is anti-cholinergic for a start and no, I have no idea.

You Gotta Believe In Something

“You gotta believe in something.” It’s one of those hollow phrases that appear and disappear in our language like election year promises.

Trump Gang ‘Absolutely’ Prepared to Force Shutdown

Pushing the government to the brink of a partial shutdown, the White House is insisting that Congress provide $5 billion to build a wall.

Germany Set to Compensate ‘Kindertransport’ Survivors

Germany has agreed to one-time payments for survivors who were evacuated from Nazi Germany as children, many of whom never saw their parents again.

An Englishman Plans On Negotiating With Death

I am going into hospital for an operation. Not a major operation by any means but it will require a general anesthetic, so I’ll be holding on!

Young Employee Quits Walmart in Spectacular Fashion

Jackson had worked at his local Walmart for about a year and a half—until last Thursday when he shot video of himself turning on the intercom system.

This State Is About to Get Nation’s Toughest DUI Limit

In good news for ride-sharing services, this state will be ringing in the New Year with the stingiest limit for blood-alcohol content.