Decoding the Universe: The Puzzle of the Pulsating Light

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My friend Glenn and I recently shared thoughts on extraterrestrials and the potential for a government coverup of UAPs. We generally agreed the government wasn’t particularly good at coverups. Secondly, there is no way that Donald J. Trump didn’t ask the ‘Are there aliens?’ question at some point during his disastrous presidency. If the answer was ‘yes,’ it would be impossible for him to keep it quiet. He has done a great job, greater than anyone, at proving classified information is meaningless in his world.

The universe is filled with a variety of cosmic phenomena that we are only beginning to understand. One such phenomenon, recently discovered by scientists, is a mysterious pulsating light that pulses at a consistent rate of about once every 21 minutes. This rhythmic cosmic light show has been reliably flashing since at least 1988 when our records first noted its presence.

Pulsating celestial bodies is not a new concept. Stars, for instance, can exhibit pulsations due to their intrinsic properties. There are also pulsars, highly magnetized, rotating neutron stars emitting electromagnetic radiation beams. This radiation can only be observed when the beam of emission is pointing towards Earth, much the way a lighthouse can only be seen when the light is pointed in the direction of an observer. This leads to the pulsed nature of their appearance.

However, this newly discovered light source doesn’t quite fit the mold of these known pulsating phenomena. Its consistent, metronome-like pulsation every 21 minutes, persisting over decades, doesn’t match any known objects or patterns, which leaves scientists puzzled. This mystery offers an exciting opportunity for further research and discovery.

Cosmic objects can behave in various ways: some radiate a steady, unchanging light, like our Sun; some reflect the light of other objects, like the Moon; some burst forth in a massive explosion, like a supernova, and then fade, never to be seen again. Then there are objects that pulse – they periodically brighten and dim in a predictable pattern, much like a cosmic clock ticking away in the vast expanse of the universe.

These pulsating cosmic phenomena serve as lighthouses in the universe, their regular emissions of light (or other electromagnetic radiation like X-rays or radio waves) acting as a signal that cuts through the cosmic darkness. Some of these signals result from cataclysmic events like stellar explosions, while others result from the steady processes of cosmic objects like rotating neutron stars.

However, the nature of this particular pulsating light remains unknown. Its unique, steady rhythm doesn’t neatly fit into any established categories of cosmic phenomena. As such, its discovery poses new questions and challenges to our understanding of the cosmos.

This situation is quite intriguing for astronomers and astrophysicists. The chance to unravel a new cosmic mystery is an opportunity to expand our knowledge of the universe. As they study this strange, rhythmic light further, scientists may uncover a new type of cosmic object or phenomenon, or it could lead to a deeper understanding of known cosmic phenomena. Either way, the study of this mysterious pulsating light is an exciting frontier in our exploration of the universe.

Speaking for myself, on the one hand, I hope it’s aliens trying to communicate with us, and on the other, I hope it’s not. By the way, I must thank the Tolaps of planet Tolapia in the Andromeda Galaxy for the technical information included in this article.

About Post Author

Professor Mike

Professor Mike is a left-leaning, dog loving, political junkie. He has written dozens of articles for Substack, Medium, Simily, and Tribel. Professor Mike has been published at, among others. He is a strong proponent of the environment, and a passionate protector of animals. In addition he is a fierce anti-Trumper. Take a moment and share his work.
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Tall Stacey
11 months ago

Hail Tolapia!

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