The United Kingdom Is Now A One Party State

I believe in democracy and most people in the UK believe in democracy. Admittedly there are those who only believe in democracy if it works.

Britain’s Third Political Party Loses The Plot – Again

I wonder whether anybody remembers Britain’s Liberal Party. They used to form governments, just like the Conservatives and Labour.

Could Britain End Up With A Marxist Government?

Britain’s Labour Party, under the leadership of Jeremy Corbyn, has moved further to the left in political terms than at any time in its history.

An Englishman Speaks of Immoderate Moderation In Politics

“Everything in moderation!” my mother would often exclaim, usually as she downed her sixth gin. Should I choose to agree I’d get a clip on the ear.

Being Pro-choice Is Not Pro-abortion

A friend of mine once declared: “I am pro-life. I believe that every child has the right to be born. But that is a choice I would only make for myself.

Is the Liberal Left the Far Right’s Best Friend?

Those I would describe as ‘sensible’ in their political views tend to be centrists, a little left of center or a little right of center.

Britain’s Age of Eternal Austerity

Following the Labour governments 2010 General Election defeat, Treasury Secretary, Liam Byrne left his incoming Conservative counterpart with a note. ‘I’m afraid to tell you there’s no money left’.

Why Are So Many Mainstream News Outlets Hiring Right Wing Nutters?

There’s something charming and retrograde about the shrieking chorus that erupts online every time a major newspaper or legacy magazine hires some new dumbass to write opinions a few times a week.

When American Exceptionalism Is All About Loyalty to the Tribe

As a liberal, I’ve often been asked by conservatives, “Why do you hate America?” You see, conservatives think that only they love America, and they try to prove it by festooning their online profiles with flags, eagles, and blurry images of the Constitution, with an occasional cross or AR-15 thrown in.

America’s Right And Britain’s Left: Democracy Under Threat

Unfortunately, in America, the far right know the president will, at least, tolerate them if not tacitly support them whilst, in Britain, the Conservative government are so weak they cannot prevent the growth of the far left.