Mittens Romney Booed at NAACP Convention

As most of us know, Mittens “Cayman Islands” Romney dropped in on the NAACP convention Wednesday. He gave a speech, insulted President Obama, got booed and left.

Mississippi’s Haley Barbour won’t denounce proposed KKK license plates

Despite what he says to the contrary I suspect Haley Barbour has been a closet racist for a long, long time. Now it’s becoming more obvious. Read this story of ignorance in Mississippi.

Tea Baggers fight to abolish school integration

The Tea Baggers are at it again, and this time it is their continued expression of racial discrimination. Unbelievably they are trying to turn back the clock on school integration. Read this shocking story for more information.

California’s Prop. 19 defeated: No legal pot

California voters rejected a cutting-edge measure that would have made it legal to grow, possess, and use up to an ounce of marijuana for recreational purposes.