Is Britain Still A Democracy?

As the USA appears to have swung politically towards the left, Britain appears to have done the exact opposite and swung towards the right.

Are Western Democracies Under Threat?

There have been many periods in history when democracies have been under severe threat. WWII is an obvious occasion. The Cold War is another obvious one.

Britain’s Big Ben Brexit Bong

There appears to be a growing call for Big Ben to bong on the 31st of January as we leave the European Union. The problem with this happening is financial.

Could Britain End Up With A Marxist Government?

Britain’s Labour Party, under the leadership of Jeremy Corbyn, has moved further to the left in political terms than at any time in its history.

How BoJo Is Donald Trump’s Equally Stupid Twin

Expected Boris Johnson to speak substantially on Brexit on Tuesday night in his inaugural United Nations General Assembly speech as prime minister?

Mindful of Trump, BoJo Scrambles To Protect His Big Lie

Trump redux perhaps, and we aren’t talking about the astonishing resemblance.  It’s one lie after another, and yet another dishonest manipulation.

Scotland’s High Court Rules Parliament Suspension ‘Unlawful’

The UK’s Parliament began five weeks of “proroguing”—the technical term for suspension without dissolution. Scotland’s High Court deems it unlawful.

Shades of Trump: Why BoJo Must Abide By New Law or Go To Jail

Earlier this week the U.K.’s Boris Johnson, having spent too much time copying Donald Trump, said he’d “rather be dead than ask for another Brexit delay.

The Terrible Demise Of British Democracy

The UK appears to be at a dangerous crossroads indeed. Boris Johnson has said he ‘would rather be dead in a ditch’ than ask for another Brexit extension.

BoJo Brexit Gambit Fails As He Loses Working Majority

To the astonishment of Britain’s Right Wing, Prime Minister Boris Johnson lost his working majority in parliament on Tuesday.

Boris Johnson And A Very British Coup

Prime Minister Boris Johnson is being accused of everything from instigating a coup against British democracy to behaving like a dictator.

Shades of Trump—Is Suspending Parliament Johnson’s Move For No-Deal Brexit?

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, often mistaken for Trump’s twin, and not just in their curious appearance will temporarily shut down Parliament.

Will Boris Be A Turkish Delight?

Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson was born in the USA on June 19, 1964. His ancestry includes Turkish Muslims. He is now the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.

An Englishman Wants BoJo To Be Prime Minister

Before you ask or, come to that, suggest it, I am not a Boris disciple. Well, not as such anyway. Disciples tend to have somewhat blind faith.