Coleridge, Master of Modern Mysticism

Coleridge: Mysticism, magic, supernatural, and phantasmagoric images.

Promise kept: Soldiers serving in Iraq home by Christmas

President Obama kept his promise. Troops serving in Iraq are coming home, and except for a token force assigned to the U.S. Embassy there will no longer be a military presence in the country.

America: Poverty Increases

In 2010, those living in poverty increased in almost all U.S. states and cities.

NPR fires host after conservatives complain

National Public Radio (NPR) that bastion of pseudo-intellectuals and love child of the Hard Left has caved to conservative pressure and fired one of their hosts.

Rangers squeak by Cardinals 2-1 in 2d game of World Series

My beloved Cardinals got their feathers plucked by the Texas Rangers in the 9th Inning last night.

Don’t forget world ends at 6PM today

Just forget about the guy carrying the sign that reads “The End Is Near.” According to a loon named Harold Camping “The End Is Here” for our world.

Matt Taibbi: Why Rush Limbaugh Is Freaking Out About Occupy Wall Street

Matt Taibbi explores why OWS has Rush Limbaugh exhibiting “frustration and croaking, bullfroggish anxiety.”

Minimal Nativity Scene Thrills Atheists

Lots of us our losing our religion in favor of Atheism, yet many grew up in households that were decked out in religious artifacts, even if only for the holidays.

5 tips to help you prepare for winter

When my dad moved us from San Diego to Minnesota, I was completely unprepared for winter. Here are five tips to help you cope.

Uganda-Lord’s Resistance Army: Kill all Gays

Some Ugandans think gay people should be subject to Capital Punishment

Tattoo Barbie!

Meet 21st Century Barbie—with tattoos.