Former Mets outfielder Lenie Dykstra sentenced to 3 years in prison

SAN FERNANDO, Calif. – (AP) — Disgraced ex-New York Mets outfielder Lenny Dykstra on Monday was sentenced to three years in a California state prison after pleading no contest to grand theft auto and providing a false financial statement.

Is Obama Using Sorcery to Bring About the Apocalypse

Who are they? Who would steal such sacred Catholic relics? And why would they do it, especially in this age when you can obtain Jesus’ immaculate face by simply making a piece of toast or frying up a tortilla?

The question of “who” can be easily answered by solving the question of “why.” Look at the list of stolen relics: Jesus’ foreskin, three pieces of the cross, and a saint’s jawbone and heart. The items are four of the five ingredients needed to turn a willow branch into the Great and Horrible Pointed Stick of Andromalius–the weapon the Antichrist will use to begin the apocalypse by taunting the Lord’s champion while repeatedly poking him in his secret parts.

As of now, the fifth ingredient, St. Anthony’s tongue, is tucked away deep inside a basilica in Padua, Italy. But it isn’t safe there. The Antichrist, Barack Fluke Obama, is using the dark power of contraceptives to pressure the Catholic Bishops into surrendering the saint’s tongue. Sure, it might appear as if he’s denied their demand to impose God’s law on their gentile employees, but being the Antichrist, he’s crafty–he’s merely applying pressure until they slip him their sacred tongue.

UPDATED: We Are Woman National March

On February 16th, 2012, I made a video for Mad Mike’s America titled “We Are Warriors.” I was angry and frustrated and wanted to see if other people felt the same about the new GOP war on women. In the video, I said it was time to march on Washington, DC.

Joe Conservative: Your Daughter Walks Into A Bar

What happens when a conservative’s daughter walks into a bar and into an unwanted pregnancy?

Can America Finance An Israel-Iran War

President Barack Obama said to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee on Sunday March 4th : “I will not hesitate to use force when it is necessary to defend the United States and its interests.” President Obama was presenting as strong an assurance as he can to the Pro-Israeli lobbying body known as AIPAC, against the harsh rhetoric being thrown at his administration by many including the republican presidential candidates.

It’s Super Tuesday but where is Sarah Palin

Here we are folks! It’s Super Tuesday and republicans are scrambling. From Mitt Romney to Rick Santorum, Ron Paul and Newt Gingrich all vying for president and other lesser lights scrambling to hold onto their seats, we have to ask that big question: Where is the world is Sarah the Palin?

Obama moving G8 Summit to Camp David

President Obama is moving one of two major world summits from Chicago to the presidential retreat near Washington, with an aide saying the president has decided he wants a more “intimate” setting than his hometown for the May gathering.